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Photography: Lindsay Brown

House 004

Family Home by Melanie Raines in Austin, TX

For this home, it was important to calibrate each space for a specific feeling and activity. We assigned a desire to each room long before designing its aesthetic, and created rituals around the building process to keep the intentions top-of-mind. The studio considered the movement of a day, beginning with waking, sunlight, meditation, and coffee, then moving through work, resetting, sharing and cooking, evening bathing, evening tea, reading, and optimized rest. There are even corresponding crystals inside of the walls and floors to promote certain energies! As the project progressed, we worked with color, texture, and form to support and enhance our movements through the day. Most of the art was not originally considered in the design, but it brought the clients to tears when it all came together. Sometimes, a bit of irreverence keeps things surprising and special– It kept us from overthinking things.

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