AI Drives F1 or Artificial Intelligence Drives Formula 1

Although motionless now, I am aware that within her lies the ultimate. Her sleek and superbly equipped body understates her remarkable power. The attraction is immediate and as I slide into her inner space we are molded into one. Taking control - and my energy, her dynamic electrical pulses of absolute precision regulate our perfectly flowing rhythms. She is programmed to excite and she is uncompromising, always responsive, she is ready to perform under the most challenging conditions. Triggering all probabilities and fulfilling all calculations, together we produce a show of ultimate and dazzling class. With impeccable and stunning maneuvering, I steady her as the tempo quickens and the pace accelerates, becoming more frantic. Our synchronization is flawless and as we reach the apex - the effect is sublime. Shaped by our performance I am compelled to analyses and to the affirmation; that which unites us was always there. My search is over. NOTE TO COLLECTOR: A FULL HIGH RESOLUTION ART PRINT WILL BE INCLUDED WITH SALE.
Token ID
Token Standard
MP4 Digital Video
1920 x 1080
Artwork CID: Qme32giySKLtcTVRz9rS4S5pbWGao4WJYNG6MHMyeHjWJp
Token Metadata CID: QmcHjsAhhrcdgc3kyaMNYbkM32jnDhWkTTcmtXSMSLJtt9
Quietly navigating between figurative and non figurative - analog and digital.


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