CR.SH C.R right

CR.SH C.R right

"CR.SH C.R" is designed (scale 1:1) with the idea that beyond the crash, by using coincidence and intuition, a new and dynamic form can arise. According to the artist: “ Over the past decades there has been such a rapid acceleration of technology and industrialization, one can no longer keep up. This overkill (physical as well as psychical) eventually will cause a crash, accident or catastrophe. That moment is a turning point from which something new can arise" Free from all conventions the artist has designed a car that is ‘mind’ blowing. Not the crash itself leads to new insights, but the crash beyond. What better way to show this with an all familiar artifact than a car. Photography: Henry Ter Hall (Netherlands).
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
5413 x 4004
Artwork CID: QmWicjmEt5KbQsS1ACruMf9EuhsAj52ud4bV1ksavAiWxc
Token Metadata CID: QmNZ8hyBkEnNeHJo79UuswESqMHorrg41KMjFzmunnrZBY
Buro Bruno is a design firm, started by Bruno van Hooijdonk in 1998, uncompromising and scouring onto the outskirts of art and design. Bruno transforms the flat into spatial design. More important is the transition from one dimension to another and not so much the end result. He actually puts the flat shape (or parts of it) into motion, until it is what it should be. Due to the dynamics of the process, the movement in the design continues to exist and creates an unambiguous and non-static end product.


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