let the horizon slip, it's okay
KALI, 2022

let the horizon slip, it's okay

a 35mm portal to an infinite inception of realms, realities colliding... you can let yourself float here, the clouds hold you up.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
1376 x 2048
Artwork CID: QmUT5MGWVat629Uy7umAa58ad74Wh3tpK6TwEZhBX9Fc8W
Token Metadata CID: QmPFwzgYEFjZQcgbnadGyTdDbxH1PiFUzd46PN5EWUgjZo
I'm KALI, of Evertender Studios. I am a film photographer, writer, and painter living in santa barbara, ca. welcome to my dream, the ether realm... a liminal space, bound by the inbetween. here we are on the edge of the void, eyes open wide, waiting... it is my wish that you find relief in these portals, for that is what they are for. as someone who is generally bedridden with chronic pain, I don't alway have the opportunity to connect with the external world. these photos are created when I am able, when the blessing of a psychedelic analgesic is flowing through my system... only then can I create my work. as time passes and I inevitably must return to my stasis, I am grateful for these images, because they are indicative of moments in which I was on the perimeter, absorbed in conjuring up the realms I love. My work is a romanticization of my environment, and the many fascinating subjects that reside within and amongst it. I am a deeply spiritual person, and I believe in caring for our planet and the many beings that live here. As such, it is my hope that through viewing and enjoying my work, one may develop a deep appreciation and respect for this land and all it has been, and will hopefully continue to be. disabled artist & film photographer // offering portals to the ether // every collector receives a physical copy // thank you for investing in me, you are directly improving the quality of my life!


  • October 22, 2022 at 2:19 PMTransfer from KALI to 1stDibs Marketplace
  • October 22, 2022 at 2:19 PMReserve price set for Ξ 0.3330 ($1,265.24) by KALI
  • October 22, 2022 at 2:19 PMMinted by KALI

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