Spread Eagle Dunk
Featured In Metaglyphs

Spread Eagle Dunk

One of a series of “dunk” renders, transforming the format of collectable NBA superstar posters into a dreamlike, futuristic vision of a dystopian dunk contest. This gentleman, another characterless 3D figure, goes aggressively for the reverse spread-eagle dunk, naked except for his flip-flops and the ball which blocks out the source of his superhuman power. The collector of this NFT will be directed to an online poster-printing supplier and allowed to order a poster print for their own personal viewing, using the high-res digital file (12000 x 6000 px). This format mimics the inspiration for the series - cheaply produced, commercial collectibles which nonetheless inspired transcendent aesthetic experiences for the artist.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
1024 x 2048
Artwork CID: QmNq18hAaHgvGuyx8h4JGr6v1mzfsTH62KFxwWFQNW2zVp
Token Metadata CID: QmRovBmt1h5S3nJi4WivHBZQNyRKBjJKxNgchWWac94Qqg
FakeShamus (Shamus Clisset) rides the multidimensional aether with his 1-million polygon sidekicks, carrying 7 million reasons to hate his life (but he stays positive (mentally, not for covid, *cough-cough*)). The energy he consumes could power the 50 least-populous states for a year and he radiates his heat like a Noctua set up. He’s got 15-20 years in the game of trying to out-do all the minimalists, cubists, and MFA grads via 3D rendering, animations, and physics simulations, all baked out in slam-dunk glory and glistening silver countach. His favorite color is Void and his favorite ice cream is melted. Shamus's work is an obsessive exploration of the trappings and failings of contemporary technology and uncertain identity. Humorously deconstructing iconic pop-cultural landmarks and historical demons is his approach to this critique, while also embodying many of the absurdities he aims to lay bare. FakeShamus is simultaneously the creator and destroyer of his own world, an embodiment of our modern techno-dystopia, and a violent explorer of all potential futures.

Exhibition Notes

Spread Eagle Dunk is presented in “Metaglyphs,” curated by Katie Peyton Hofstadter. Metaglyphs showcases artists using digital technologies to generate layers of meaning on more than one experiential plane, and includes work by Alfredo Salazar-Caro, Amy Kurzweil, Claudia Hart, LaJuné McMillian, LoVid, Carla Gannis, FakeShamus, Morehshin Allahyari, Savannah Spirit, and Swoon.

Metaglyph roughly translates to “beyond symbol” — an artwork representing the interconnected relationship between object materiality and digital existence. For as long as humans have told stories, we’ve been interested in objects that exist at the border between worlds. From ancient mythology to modern science fiction, our archetypal stories are filled with magical objects that serve as keys, black mirrors of culture and false identity, secret weapons with hidden powers. These NFT tokenized artworks use multiple techniques — ranging from digital simulation technology to 3D modeling to glitch — to probe the boundaries and consequences of our digital and analog desires.

The goal is not to replace reality, but to return to and enrich it. When we step through the looking glass — when we board the vessel — what will we see?

“These artworks are vessels that serve as a link between the familiar and the unknown. It’s the butterfly pinned to the board, and the butterfly rising above it. Not just the shark’s tooth, but its bite.”

–– Katie Peyton Hofstadter


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