Twistings / Curated ~ Flowers

Twistings / Curated ~ Flowers

Type: Generative Art Edition: 1/1 from the "Twistings / Curated" collection Size: 4800x4800 Year: 2022 Meticulously hand-picked by the artist from over 1000 outputs of her "Twistings" generative algorithm, this artwork represents her favorite from the "Flowers" entities. This artwork is part of a collection of 7, curated by the artist. Each piece in the collection is created from the same underlying spiral-based algorithm. All seven works use slightly different mathematical settings of the spiral formulas, fine-tuned to reveal the circular entity it represents. Created by Nadieh Bremer
Token ID
Token Standard
PNG Digital Image
4800 x 4800
Artwork CID: QmZDLx2qPq4Je8eVCcukZ4f2a2XrqcT3wBeLABxRchByLE
Token Metadata CID: QmaYAtQbMzQUm3Q1pzHb9ERx2BDnA8jo6hQJAqSfJ2s9jB
Nadieh Bremer is a data and generative artist living in the Netherlands, freelancing under the name "Visual Cinnamon". She graduated as an astronomer, started working as a data scientist before finding her passion in the visualization of data and being creative with code. As 2017's "Best Individual" in the Information is Beautiful Awards, she focuses on visuals that are uniquely crafted for each specific dataset that both engage and enlighten the audience. She co-wrote the best-selling book "Data Sketches" that was released in 2021 that celebrates the creative and artistic side of data visualization. She's made visualizations and art for companies such as Google News Lab, Sony Music, UNICEF, the New York Times and UNESCO and has released data and generative art NFT collections on various platforms.


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