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Hans-Agne Jakobsson 'V-138' Wall Light in Copper and Blown Glass

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Hans-Agne Jakobsson Wall Light in Copper and Blown Glass
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, wall light model 'V-138', copper, blown glass, Sweden, 1960s. Charming wall light executed in copper with a blown glass s...

Vintage 1960s Danish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson ‘Rulle’ Wall Light in Patinated Copper
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, ‘Rulle’ wall light, copper, Sweden, 1960s. Beautiful bright copper ‘Rulle' light by Swedish designer Hans-Agne Jakobsson....

Vintage 1960s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson 'Tratten' Wall Light in Patinated Copper
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, wall light ‘Tratten’, copper, Sweden, 1950s Hans-Agne Jakobsson designed this wall light 'Tratten', which is made in a be...

Vintage 1950s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson 'Tratten' Wall Light in Patinated Copper
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, wall light ‘Tratten’, copper, Sweden, 1950s Hans-Agne Jakobsson designed this wall light 'Tratten', which is crafted from...

Vintage 1950s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson 'Tratten' Wall Light in Patinated Copper
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, wall lights ‘Tratten’, copper, Sweden, 1950s Hans-Agne Jakobsson designed this wall light 'Tratten', which is crafted fro...

Vintage 1950s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson 'Sonata' Wall Light in Glass and Brass
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Waalwijk, NL
Hans-Agne Jakobsson for Hans-Agne Jakobsson AB in Markaryd, 'Sonata' wall light, brass and glass, Sweden, 1960s Elegant wall light designed by Swedish Master of Light; Hans Agne Jak...

Vintage 1960s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



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Hans Agne Jakobsson Pine and Copper Wall Lamp
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Forest, BE
Nice set of 3 pine and copper wall lamps. They provide a warm atmosphere and even better when lighted. Made of thin stripes of pine delicately nailed with a brass nail to the copper plate that is the back and sides. Minimal details. When can get more upon request. ______________________________________________________________ Hans-Agne Jakobsson naît à Hvadhem sur l’île de Gotland en Suède. Menuisier de formation, il poursuit à Göteborg des études d’architecture qui lui permettent d’intégrer le département de design industriel au sein de General Motors. Très vite, sa passion du bois le rattrape et il s’oriente alors vers des créations plus artisanales. Il devient ainsi le collaborateur de designers célèbres tels que Carl Malmsten ou le très radical Werner West. De ces années d’apprentissage naît une profonde passion pour la lumière, la subtilité et la magie de l’éclairage. Installé dès 1950 à Markaryd dans le sud de la Suède, il propose ses créations dans sa boutique du centre-ville. L’anecdote raconte qu’un soir de Noël, trouvant son espace trop sombre, il crée dans l’urgence une suspension en pin. Son succès est tel qu’il décide de fonder en 1951 sa propre entreprise Hans-Agne Jakobsson A/B. La région de Markaryd est une région bordée de lacs et de bois sombres. Jakobsson ne s’inspire pas directement de la nature mais de l’atmosphère si particulière qui se dégage de ces paysages, où la lumière semble être en conflit perpétuel avec la nuit. Influencé par le modernisme, il s’intéresse également très tôt aux nouveaux matériaux qui apparaissent dans les années 1950. Le laiton le passionne tout particulièrement. Il l’associe naturellement au verre pour créer des modèles dont les plus monumentaux orneront les bâtiments publics, les salles de concert ou les églises. Il n’oublie pas pour autant les intérieurs de ses contemporains et crée de nombreuses lampes, lampadaires ou appliques n’ayant pour frontières que les limites de son imagination. Viendront au milieu des années 1960 les modèles en laiton et fils de soie qui connaissent un immense succès et propulsent Jakobsson parmi les créateurs les plus influents de sa génération. Le travail d’un autre grand créateur, le danois...

Vintage 1950s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson Wall Light, 1950s
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Opaline glass wall light produced and designed by Hans-Agne Jakobsson, Markaryd, Sweden, 1950s. Height: 35 cm

Vintage 1950s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson, Wall Light, Brass, Glass, Sweden, 1960s
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A brass and white opaline glass wall light designed and produced by Hans-Agne Jakobsson, Sweden, c. 1960s. Overall Dimensions (inches):  8.5” H x  5.25” W x  6.25“D Back Plate Dime...

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Hans-Agne Jakobsson V-267 Wall Light, 1960s
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Stockholm, SE
Swedish wall light with fringes model V-267 designed by Hans-Agne Jakobsson, produced in Markaryd, Sweden, 1960s.  

Vintage 1960s Swedish Scandinavian Modern Wall Lights and Sconces



Hans-Agne Jakobsson V-155 Wall light, 1960s
By AB Markaryd, Hans-Agne Jakobsson
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Swedish wall light model V-155 designed by Hans-Agne Jakobsson, produced in Markaryd, Sweden, 1960s. The wall light has a beautiful patina.

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Swedish Outdoor Wall Lamps in Copper by Hans-Agne Jakobsson
By Hans-Agne Jakobsson
Located in Karlstad, SE
These stunning outdoor wall lamps by Hans-Agne Jakobsson are a rare find for fans of mid-century modern design. The Swedish designer was known for his high-quality and innovative lig...

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