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Apartment by Arthur's in Brooklyn, NY

Inspiration comes from the strangest places. While watching a documentary about the tower castles of Ireland, we were intrigued by the similarities in layout of these medieval monoliths and the average Brooklyn brownstone and chose to use it as our jumping off point for how the space would be experienced.

Due to the fact that our client’s home had many of its early Arts & Crafts details still intact on the first floor - original friezes, stained-glass windows, egg and dart molding and wood-paneled walls ran throughout. The second floor of the brownstone, where significant layout and structural changes were made, was meant to be a mixing of the historic and the new with a sort of shedding of pomp. The third and final floor, which saw the most significant alterations, was clean and simple - a reflection of modern 20th century living inside the shell of an historic home. It’s a bit like time-traveling via a staircase.

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