Vetted Sellers - 1stDibs

An Industry-Leading Vetting Process

Our Trusted Network of Sellers

1stDibs works with more than 4,000 trusted sellers around the world. Unlike other sites, we only admit sellers who are respected professionals in their fields and we do not allow consumer-to-consumer listings. All sellers undergo a comprehensive evaluation by our in-house experts to vet the integrity of their listings and the quality of their service. The confidence we have in our extraordinary supply is a direct result of our strict vetting of the sellers.

Our Review Process

Before their items appear on 1stDibs, all sellers must submit an application for review by our experts in contemporary and vintage furniture, fine art, jewelry and fashion. All sellers are evaluated on the appropriateness and quality of their inventory. This may involve requests for samples to assess a collection, in-person visits to prospective sellers’ workshops, audits of social media accounts and industry editorial coverage — as well as a review of their interactions with customers to gauge service commitment and industry reputation.


We Stand By Our Listings 

1stDibs seeks to reassure all customers that the items they’re shopping meet the highest marketplace standards. To do that, we set industry-leading standards, and we require our sellers to abide by those standards. Our team of in-house experts proactively audits inventory to ensure accurate representation. If a seller fails to meet our standards, we promptly address the matter. We try to resolve any issues through communication, coaching and follow-up as needed, but if they are not resolved, the seller will be removed.

Best-in-Class Expertise

In addition to our knowledgeable seller community, 1stDibs boasts a team of internal and external experts, hailing from the top auction and retail houses, iconic brands, as well as the industry’s most reputable art and design businesses. Our vetting process is led by industry experts with degrees in such areas as fine art, design, gemology, restoration and art business and certifications in appraisal services, jewelry expertise, connoisseurship and more. In addition, we work with more than 25 leading estates and foundations, which help us ensure the integrity of the pieces attributed to the artists and designers they represent.


The 1stDibs vetting team specializes in the following areas of concentration:

Italian Lighting + Design

Jewelry + Watches

Mid-Century + Brazilian Design

Fashion + Handbags

Tribal Art + Artifacts

Prints + Multiples


Books + Manuscripts


Asian Art + Artifacts

20th-Century Design

Old Masters + 20th-Century Art

Contemporary Art

Rugs + Carpets

Garden Statuary

Contemporary Design