We Used To Live Around Here IV, Honey I am Home

We Used To Live Around Here IV, Honey I am Home

We Used to Live Around Here is a series about how we become disconnected not from the places we call home but from ourselves. Each Image was created photographing the same model at the studio and composing the shots into 3d created backgrounds, where they feel like they don't quite belong to.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
7360 x 4912
Artwork CID: QmS361DwZ7qAx1NDxbX9Yt6zusAzqQ6WsSTx8Hs8nqoh2H
Token Metadata CID: QmWEhDZxmJS19xTFfsHEuTbkNjNPZp3YDESbJCgma14c1X
PixelatedMe is a storyteller using Photography 3D and video to create staged images which are alternately playful, often mysterious, thought-provoking, and at times disturbing. He has a background in architecture and fashion photography. Born in Venezuela he lives in New York His works has been part of several group exhibitions, including Creative Distancing at Art Museum of South Texas, International Photography Exhibition at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography and Affordable Art Fair at Metropolitan Pavilion, New York


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