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Gelbes neonfarbenes Campbell's Soup Can-Wandschild, limitierte Auflage 500 Stück


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Yellowpop, After Andy Warhol Neon light Campbell's Soup Can Wall Display Sign, 2022 Brand new in bespoke box with original packaging bearing Warhol's authorized printed signature with everything included Makes an excellent gift. Acrylic-printed soup can lined with red neon LED artwork with energy-efficient tubing, full board backing Box is plate signed; accompanied by official COA authorized by the Warhol Foundation (Numbered 212 from Edition of 500) 24 1/2 × 14 inches Unframed LIMITED EDITION OF 500. ACCOMPANIED BY A NUMBERED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY AUTHORIZED BY THE WARHOL FOUNDATION. Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary! This LED neon sign features an acrylic-printed soup can lined with red neon, bringing Andy's theme of mundane objects as high art to life in a whole new way. After debuting in 1962, the soup can become one of the most well-known pieces of American art. This piece was also one of Andy's most personal, the inspiration coming from his childhood love of Campbell's soup. Warhol said, "I used to drink it every day." Now, you can use this revolutionary Pop Art as a creative lighting source and wall decor! The flexible LED tube is safe and environmentally friendly, too! Set the light to the time of day with adjustable brightness. ©/®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. It is made of a neon flex material, consisting of PVC or Silicon piping with LED lights, that is mounted on a recycled acrylic board, creating a realistic neon sign, with bright lights and intense color, while being more durable, affordable, and sustainable than traditional neon. Materials include: LED lights: consuming 6 times less energy than traditional lights, they last up to 80,000 hours. recycled materials in our products and 100% recycled packaging, including removing all useless plastic. Energy efficient tubing. Shipped in bespoke premium box with Andy Warhol's authorized printed signature
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