Promise - 1stDibs: Antique and Modern Furniture, Jewelry, Fashion & Art

Trade Buyer Protection


In the unlikely event that you receive an item that is significantly not as described or that has been damaged in transit, we'll work with you and the seller to make it right.

Every case is individually assessed by our team and network of specialists to determine an optimal solution in a transparent manner. Simply contact us to get started.

To note, as a Trade member, you may also return qualifying items under the returns program for the Trade. Learn more.

Trade Extended Buyer Protection

As a part of our Trade 1st program, you have extra time to activate this feature (depending on your status), in case you aren’t able to open your shipment right away.


Your purchase is eligible for Buyer Protection if:

  • The order was placed online through our secure checkout
    The item is significantly different than described, was damaged in transit or never arrived
  • You reported the issue within 7 calendar days (or up to 90 depending on your status) of the delivery date (or the promised delivery date, for non-delivered items)
  • Please note: If you have any concerns regarding authenticity, you may report the issue at any time for review

Your purchase is not eligible for Buyer Protection if:

  • You are returning an item that was accurately described and not damaged in transit. (Note that in these cases, you may still be able to return the item if permitted under the seller’s stated return policy or, for EU-based buyers, in accordance with EU law and our User Agreement)
  • You elected to arrange your own shipping or retrieve the item in-person

For more detailed examples pertaining to buyer protection eligibility, please visit our support center.

1stDibs reserves the right to update or modify the terms of this guarantee at any time.
The 1stDibs Promise does not apply to sales on our NFT Marketplace.

View our User Agreement