We invite you to join us
Together, we bring beautiful things to millions
1stDibs is a leading online marketplace for extraordinary design. With uniquely curated shopping experiences, our website and mobile app are go-to destinations for discerning collectors, sophisticated customers, and top interior designers around the world.
By bringing together more than 7,600+ of the world’s best sellers and galleries from over 50 countries specializing in furniture, fine art, jewelry, and collectibles, our global e-commerce platform offers a unique collection of inventory for buyers seeking the most beautiful things on earth.
We select only prestigious sellers and galleries to bring their merchandise to this highly targeted, global audience.
By the numbers
Our rapidly growing 300+ person team is here to provide expertise in engineering, marketing and logistics to set you up for success on our platform.
- $362 million sales last year
- 136,000+orders in 2023
- 6.3 millionregistered users
- 850,000+pieces listed at net price for trade
- 90,000+members in our verified trade program
- $2,500+average order value
Global Audience of Qualified Customers
Reach millions of discerning collectors, sophisticated customers and top interior designers around the world.
Competitive Shipping & Logistics
Our scale allows us to provide competitive rates worldwide. We also handle logistics, saving you valuable time.
Guaranteed, Risk-Free Transactions
Our fraud and chargeback protection helps ensure safe online transactions and reduces risk for your business.
Support Services
Our team is here to support you throughout the selling process and dispute resolution.
Robust Toolset
We provide the tools you need to grow a successful online business, keep you organized, and optimize your offering.
Success Guidance
Expert coaching and resources to allow you to optimize your business on 1stDibs.