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2017 Rooms of Distinction Part I
Photo : 1stdibs 2017 Rooms of Distinction

2017 Rooms of Distinction Part I

Mixed Use de The 1stdibs 50 à US

Thanks to our more than 2,000 international member dealers, 1stdibs boasts the world’s most beautiful and extensive selection of vintage, antique and contemporary furniture and art. But it’s the designers shopping the site who give life to these one-of-a-kind objects, placing them in spaces where they will shine and pairing them with homeowners who will cherish them for decades to come.

We rely on designers’ expertise, trained eye and exquisite taste to guide clients as they seek items for their homes. We greatly value our relationships with these talented men and women and have worked hard to support them however we can as we make 1stdibs an indispensable resource.

With this book we translate to the printed page a choice sampling of the more than 10,000 remarkable images found online in the 1stdibs Interiors section. Here we celebrate 50 standouts among the aesthetic arbiters included in the section’s international directory of Distinctive Firms (

Composed of designers and architects whose diverse oeuvres embody the 1stdibs sensibility and reflect our kaleidoscopic marketplace, this curated list serves as an invaluable resource for anyone hoping to hire top talent. Interiors allows designers to upload from their own portfolios, while potential clients can easily browse by style, room type and more as they search for inspiration and the firm that’s right for them.

We hope that Interiors — and, by extension, this book — will be one more way that 1stdibs can bring people closer to the world’s most beautiful things and help them create rooms as unique as the objects we sell.


David Rosenblatt, CEO