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Remy Hetreau

The Artisan - Original Drawing by Rémy Hetreau - Mid 20th Century
Located in Roma, IT
The Artisan is an Original Ink Drawing and white Lead realized by Rémy Hétreau. Good condition

Mid-20th Century Modern Interior Drawings and Watercolors


Ink, Mixed Media

Interior of The Church - Original Drawing by Rémy Hetreau - 1930s
Located in Roma, IT
Interior of The Church is an original Artwork realized by Remy Hetreau (1913-2001). Realized with

1930s Modern Interior Drawings and Watercolors


Pencil, Watercolor

Figure - Original Etching by Rémy Hetreau - Late 20th Century
Located in Roma, IT
Figure is an original artwork realized by Rémy Hetreau in the late 20th Century. Etching on paper

Late 20th Century Surrealist Figurative Prints



The Smith - Drawing - Early 20th Century
Located in Roma, IT
The Smith is an original drawing in pencil and watercolor realized by Rémy Hetreau in the mid-20th

Early 20th Century Modern Figurative Drawings and Watercolors


Pencil, Watercolor

Original Vintage Poster Vignobles De France Vins Du Val De Loire Valley Wine Map
Located in London, GB
Original vintage drink advertising poster promoting French wines (one of a series issued by the Comite National de Propagande en Faveur du Vin national committee for the promotion of...

1950s More Prints



Original Vintage Poster Vignobles De France Vins De Bourgogne Burgundy Wine Map
Located in London, GB
Original vintage drink advertising poster promoting French wines (one of a series issued by the Comite National de Propagande en Faveur du Vin national committee for the promotion of...

1950s More Prints



Recent Sales

Inside of a Church - Original Drawing by Rémy Hetreau - 1937
Located in Roma, IT
Inside of a Church is an original Artwork realized by Remy Hetreau in 1937 (1913-2001). Realized

1930s Modern Interior Drawings and Watercolors


Tempera, Pen, Pencil

Les Vignobles De France - Vins du Val de Loire
Located in London, GB
HETRÉAU, Remy. Les Vignobles De France - Vins du Val de Loire (The Vineyards of France - Wines of

1950s Naturalistic Figurative Prints



Les Vignobles De France - Vins De Bordeaux
Located in London, GB
HETRÉAU, Remy. Les Vignobles De France - Vins De Bordeaux (The Vineyards of France - Wines of

1950s Naturalistic Figurative Prints



The Smith - Pencil and watercolor - Mid-20th century
Located in Roma, IT
The Smith is a drawing in pencil and watercolor realized by the french artist Amy Hétreau. In

Mid-20th Century Modern Figurative Drawings and Watercolors


Watercolor, Pencil

Original Vintage Poster Vignobles De France Vins Des Cotes Du Rhone Wine Map Art
Located in London, GB
Original vintage drink advertising poster promoting French wines (one of a series issued by the Comite National de Propagande en Faveur du Vin national committee for the promotion of...

1950s More Prints



Original Vintage Poster Vignobles De France Vineyards Vins De Bordeaux Wine Map
Located in London, GB
Original vintage drink advertising poster promoting French wines (one of a series issued by the Comite National de Propagande en Faveur du Vin national committee for the promotion of...

1950s More Prints



Original Vintage Wine Map Poster Les Vignobles De France Loire Valley Vineyards
Located in London, GB
Original vintage drink advertising poster promoting French wines (one of a series issued by the Comite National de Propagande en Faveur du Vin national committee for the promotion of...

1950s More Prints



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Remy Hetreau For Sale on 1stDibs

Find the exact remy hetreau you’re shopping for in the variety available on 1stDibs. You can easily find an example made in the Surrealist style, while we also have 1 Surrealist versions to choose from as well. On 1stDibs, the right remy hetreau is waiting for you and the choices span a range of colors that includes beige, gray and white. Frequently made by artists working in paint, paper and pencil, these artworks are unique and have attracted attention over the years. If space is limited, you can find a small remy hetreau measuring 9.06 high and 8.67 wide, while our inventory also includes works up to 33.27 across to better suit those in the market for a large remy hetreau.

How Much is a Remy Hetreau?

The price for a remy hetreau in our collection starts at $270 and tops out at $1,480 with the average selling for $627.