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Chesham Reproduction Fireplace Mantel

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Antique Irish Georgian III White Marble Fireplace Mantel
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The frieze centred with a carved centre tablet with a sphinx mounted urn and ribbon tied swags flanked by inlaid roundels and swags, the end blocks carved with drapery hung urns with...

Antique 1780s Irish George III Fireplaces and Mantels


Marble, Statuary Marble

18th Century Antique Carved Pine Fireplace Mantel
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A broken pediment with carved acanthus leaves and dentils rests on a shelf forming an architectural cornice above a fluted frieze. The projecting end blocks are embellished with flor...

Antique Mid-18th Century British Georgian Fireplaces and Mantels


Wood, Pine

Neoclassical Style Antique Fireplace Mantel
Located in London, GB
The breakfront, moulded shelf above the frieze which is centred with a tablet carved with tazza shaped, lidded urn in statuary on sienna marble. This is flanked by bands of flutes; t...

Antique Mid-18th Century British Neoclassical Fireplaces and Mantels


Marble, Siena Marble, Statuary Marble

Antique Georgian Corbel Siena and Statuary Marble Fireplace Mantel
Located in London, GB
A Georgian Siena and statuary marble chimneypiece with breakfront shelf, Siena frieze with plain white tablet and ogee corbel brackets surmounting the jambs, ex collection Admiral Be...

Antique Late 18th Century British Georgian Fireplaces and Mantels


Statuary Marble, Marble, Siena Marble

Antique Irish Fireplace Mantel, circa 1750
Located in London, GB
A rare, Irish, mid-18th century, statuary marble chimney piece originally from 44 Stafford Street, now 44 Wolfe Tone Street, owned by Theobold Wolfe Tone (1763-1798), the father of Irish Republicanism, circa 1750. Originating from a basic, English Palladian...

Antique 1750s Irish Rococo Fireplaces and Mantels


Statuary Marble

English George II Palladian Fireplace Mantel
Located in London, GB
In white statuary marble of strong, bold design, based on an Inigo Jones / William Kent design with well sculpted crisp mouldings and falling foliate drops. A good and handsome chimneypiece with austere grandeur and presence so typical of the English Palladian...

Antique Early 1700s British Palladian Fireplaces and Mantels



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Carrara Marble, Siena Marble

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