West 110th Street Residence
The apartment is in a relatively new condo building near Columbia University. The homeowners are the Bergers: Brian (CEO of the men's apparel company, Mack Weldon), Erin (a former director for a non-profit) and their 3 sons, ages 13, 10, 6. Brian and Erin have lived in a 3 bedroom for some time and with their sons getting older, they were itching for a little more space. Luckily, their adjacent neighbor was open to moving, and they struck a deal. The primary goal was to combine the two apartments and give their boys a separate "wing". But before construction started, a major leak from the upstairs neighbor changed the plans–it damaged the floors and slowly the scope of work grew to a gut renovation including new furniture and custom pieces. The overall style was a hybrid of the couple–the husband prefers tasteful simplicity while the wife has a more bold and colorful vision. Their home became the balance of both worlds.