Le Parfum des Mimosas

Le Parfum des Mimosas

"Le Parfum des Mimosas". In the winter months of the new year, Mimosas are some of the first flowers to be found in Montreal flower shops. The florist first reminds the customer of the subtle scent of the flowers and diligently gives instructions on how to dry and preserve it for the weeks to come. If the customer is lucky they will have the flowers remain until spring finally peaks its head around the corner and delivers the abundance of blooms that it promises. Youth is like a flower in bloom, all freshness and beauty.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
4606 x 3598
Artwork CID: QmRQBHmX5T4NaEpWTzrbz9EVQZdWZC8QvptNUkEUmx6Hrv
Token Metadata CID: QmQ9T4tpoitCFzxx4ox4zyR51vbE2q6mcrdcW2jVafiiuA
Montreal-based photographer, Karene-Isabelle Jean-Baptiste, is interested in capturing and recording the world around her. She worked as an engineer for many years before delving into the world of photography full time. She looks for elusive moments of magic that can appear and disappear in an instant within a scene or a human face. Her aim is to have those moments endure and express the depth of feeling that, at times, go unnoticed. Her work is introspective and quiet, it asks the viewer to take a moment to connect with the images.
