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Design Firms/Kathryn Scott Design Studio
Kathryn Scott Design Studio

Kathryn Scott Design Studio

Milan, NY

Latest Project by Kathryn Scott Design Studio

About Kathryn Scott Design Studio

Kathryn Scott sees herself as an artist captivated by the creation of serene, harmonious living spaces as the sanctuary to replenish and refocus on the things that matter most in our lives. Pleasurable surroundings allow us to reduce stress, connect with our creative side, and feel happier. We design, curate and customize your home to create beauty and allow each room to express its potential.

Kathryn also creates daily objects for living, from furniture to porcelain, in designing her rooms. The importance of our surroundings should not be underestimated; they shape our moods, thoughts and dreams.

In the Spring of 2018, Rizzoli launched her first book, Creating Beauty.


Articles Featuring Kathryn Scott Design Studio