Items Similar to 'Biomorphic Abstract', NYMoMA, Paris, XXXII Venice Biennale, MALI, Lima, Peru
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Emilio Rodríguez Larraín'Biomorphic Abstract', NYMoMA, Paris, XXXII Venice Biennale, MALI, Lima, Peru1964
About the Item
Signed, lower right, 'E.R. Larrain' for Emilio Rodríguez Larraín (Peruvian, 1928-2015), and inscribed 'Roma, Nov 1963, Enero 1964'. (Rome, Nov 1963-January 1964). Verso titled, "L'Homme C'est Sujet à Errer" (Man Tends to Wander), and bearing the artist's self-portrait in india ink and wash.
Exhibited: XXXII Venice Biennale, 1964. (original exhibition label verso)
Previously with Staempfli Galleries, New York. This painting is registered in the Archives of American Art as 'Staempfli Gallery, inventory #775'.
A monumental and historically distinguished work by this groundbreaking Peruvian Modernist who drew inspiration from Peruvian indigenous and pre-colonial culture. The paintings of Emilio Rodríguez Larraín are held in the permanent collections of museums worldwide including the Musée de la Ville de Paris, Peru's Museo de Arte de Lima and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This painting was selected by the Peruvian Government for exhibition at the XXXII Venice Biennale in 1964 and is the largest single recorded work by the artist.
Emilio Rodríguez Larraín received his Bachelors of Architecture in 1949 from Peru's Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and held his first solo exhibition in Lima after visiting Europe in 1950. In 1951, he returned to Europe in the company of the artists Alfredo Ruiz Rosas and Joaquín Roca Rey. In 1956, he moved to Paris where he painted and exhibited for many years, including at the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles (1957) and the Salon de Mai (1969). He also exhibited throughout Europe, including in Madrid, Berlin, Copenhagen, Florence, Milan and, in Rome, at the Italo-Latin American Institute (1970). In 2016, the Lima Art Museum held a retrospective of the artist's work which lauded him as "an important avant-garde sculptor, architect and painter who knew how to adapt to the artistic changes of the time and who played a very important role in the visual arts of Peru."
Over the course of a long and illustrious career, Emilio Rodríguez Larraín was the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the William and Norma Copley Grant (1965), a Guggenheim Fellowship (1976), and the DAAD Artist-in-Residence Program Grant (1985). Rodríguez Larraín is currently the subject of a one-man exhibition at New York's Hutchinson Modern Gallery.
Framed in a later, iron-sulphate mordant oak frame. Framed Dimensions: 68 x 3 x 92 Inches
E. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs, et Graveurs, Jacques Busse, 1999 Nouvelle Édition, Gründ 1911, Vol. 11, p. 817; et al.
Accompanied by 'Rodríguez Larraín', the exhibition catalogue for the artist's 1963 exhibition at Milan's Galleria Lorenzelli, and a first-edition copy of Sharon Lerner's 'Emilio Rodriguez Larrain', published by Asociación Museo de Arte de Lima (2016).
(Photograph of the artist with Emily McFadden and Marcel Duchamp courtesy of the estate of Emilio Rodríguez-Larraín)
2022 Del Trazo al Volumen, Wu Galeria, Lima, Peru
2016 Emilio Rodriguez Larrain, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2014 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Selección de obra a través del tiempo, Galeria Lucia de la Puente, Lima,
2013 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Espacio AMIL, Centro Comercial Camino Real, Lima, Peru
2010 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Obra reciente, Galería Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Peru
2008 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. El Espíritu de la Modernidad, Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano,
Galeria de Arte del Cultural, Arequipa, Peru
2007 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. XIV Bienal de Pintura Teknoquímica, Instituto Cultural Peruano
Norteamericano (ICPNA), Lima, Peru
2002 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Muestra Antológica 1982-2002, Instituto Cultural Peruano
Norteamericano (ICPNA), Lima, Peru
2001 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Pinturas, La Galeria, Lima, Peru
1999 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Pinturas 1992-1997, La Galería, Lima, Peru
1997 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Antología, Casa Grace, Lima, Peru
1995 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Pinturas, Galería Forum, Lima, Peru
Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Obras sobre papel-Peru, Museo Rayo, Roldanillo, Valle, Colombia
1991 Galería de Arte Camino Brent, Lima, Peru
1989 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Berlin-New York-Lima.
1985-1989, Galería de Arte Camino Brent, Lima,
1987 Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD),
Dusseldorf, Germany
1986 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain-Un cuarto de escultura, Galeria de Arte Camino Brent, Lima, Peru
1985 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Skulpturenprojekte fü die Anden, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin,
1984 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain-Escultura, Galeria de Arte Camino Brent, Lima, Peru
Tablas Heridas, Galeria de Arte 9, Lima, Peru
1982 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Galeria de Arte 9, Lima, Peru
1981 Galeria de Arte 9, Lima, Peru
1980 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Galeria de Arte 9, Lima, Peru
1979 Emilio R. Larrain, Galería de Arte 9, Lima, Peru
1978 Galerie L`Enseigne du Cerceau, Paris, France
Larrain, Galería Trece, Barcelona, Spain
1976 Emilio R. Larrain. Sculptures et peintures, Galerie L`Enseigne du Cerceau, Paris, France
1975 Emilio R. Larrain. Sculptures et peintures, Galerie L`Enseigne du Cerceau, Paris, France
1973 Larrain, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy
1972 Biennale di Venezia. Exposizione internazionale d`arte grafica d`oggi, Museo d’Arte Moderna ca`Pesaro, Venice, Italy
1971 Rodriguez-Larrain, Galleria Lorenzelli, Milan, Italy
Galerie Arcanes, Brussels, Belgium
1967 Rose Fried Gallery, New York, NY
Rodriguez-Larrain, Pinturas de 1959-1965, Galería Moncloa, Lima, Peru
1965 Galerie de Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Aujourd`hui, Brussels, Belgium
One-man show, Galleria Pogliani, Rome, Italy
Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
1963 Obelisk Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
Rodriguez-Larrain, Galeria Lorenzelli, Milan, Italy
1962 Rodriguez-Larrain, Staempfli, New York, NY
1961 Galeria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy
1960 Kunsthaus Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
Galerie Der Spiegel, Frankfurt, Germany
Rodriguez Larrain,
Un pittore peruviano a Milano, Galeria del Milione, Milan, Italy
Rodriguez Larrain, Galleria Il Milione, Milan, Italy
1959 Rodriguez Larrain, Galleria Pagani, Legnano, Italy
Rodriguez Larrain, Galleria Montenapoleone, Milan, Italy
1958 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Arne B. Rasmussen Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
1957 Rodriguez Larrain, Galleria Numero, Florence, Italy
1955 Galería Lima, Lima, Peru
1953 Galería Lima, Lima, Peru
1950 Galería Lima, Lima, Peru
2023 Antes de América. Fuentes originarias en la cultura moderna, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain
2019 En orden de aparición: arte peruano y latinoamericano de la colección Hochschild, ARCO, Real
Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain
2018 TRANS/CIS, Revolver Galeria, Lima, Peru
2017 Next Stop. Peruvian Artists in the Hochschild Collection, Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, Spain
2015 La otra margen: pintura geométrica en el Peru (1947-1958), Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2014 MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2014, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2013 Museo de Arte del Banco de la República de Colombia, Bogota, Columbia
Arte al paso. Colección contemporánea del Museo de Arte de Lima—MALI, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2012 Lenguaje/estructura/territorio en la colección de arte contemporáneo del MALI, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2011 Arte al paso. Colección contemporánea del Museo de Arte de Lima—MALI, Estaçao Pinacoteca, Sao Paolo, Brazil
2010 Diálogos en la colección de arte contemporáneo del MALI. Donaciones y adquisiciones, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
Francia y la plástica peruana del siglo XX, Galería L`imaginaire, Alianza Francesa, Lima, Peru
2008 MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2008, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2007 MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2007, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2006 Miradas del fin del siglo III: transito de imágenes (puntos de fuga hacia el arte último), Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
Miradas del fin del siglo II: constelaciones, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
Urbe y Arte. Imaginarios de Lima en transformación: 1980-2005, Museo de la Nación, Lima, Peru
2005 Miradas de fin de siglo II: Revelaciones poéticas apocalípticas de finales del milenio, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Peru
2003 Necrologias, El retorno de las huacas (no retornables) 1977-2003, Museo Pedro de Osma, Lima, Peru
2002 De abstracciones e informalismos
2000 Todas las artes, Arte y R Centro de Exposiciones, Lima, Peru
1998 Elite Fine Art, Coral Gables, FL
1996 Museo Rayo, Cali, Colombia
1995 Galeria Forum, Lima, Peru
1994 Latin American Spectrum, Elite Fine Art, Coral Gables, FL
1993 Summer Group Show, Elite Fine Art, Coral Gables, FL
I Triennale des Ameriques. 100 Artistes-15 pays, Espace Sculfort, Maubeuge, France
1992 Latin American Spectrum, Elite Fine Art, Coral Gables, FL
1991 Galería Camino Brent, Lima, Peru
II Bienal de Arte, Fortaleza, Brazil
Man Ray et ses amis, Itami City Museum of Art, Hyogo, Japan
Man Ray et ses amis, Akita Senshu Museum of Art, Akita, Japan
Man Ray et ses amis, Okayama Prefectoral Museum of Art, Okayama, Japan
Man Ray et ses amis, Tsukuba Museum of Art, Ibakari, Japan
Man Ray et ses amis, Takamatsu City Museum of Art, Takamatsu, Japan
Man Ray et ses amis, Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
1989 Il Bienal de Arte, Fortaleza, Brazil
Galería Enrique Camino Brent, Lima, Peru
1988 Olympic Sculpture Park, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee, Seoul, South Korea
1987 III Bienal de Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru
Seis contra la muralla, Bar La Muralla, Llansá, Spain
1985 Primer Simposio Internacional de Escultura, Santo Domingo Arte abstracto en el Peru
1984 Collage san Collé, Galeria Forum, Lima, Peru
1982 Kunstler aus Lateinamerika, Berliner Kunstlerprogramm des DAAD, Berlin, Germany
1981 Gerardo Chavez-Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Galería de Arte Trilce, Lima, Peru
1976 XXX Salon des Réalités Nouvelles 1976, La Galerie, Paris, France
1975 Pintura peruana contemporánea Decada del 60, Casa del Moral, Arequipa, Peru
1973 Prix d'Europe de la peinture, Ostende, Belgium
1972 Artistes de la galerie, Galerie Arcanes, Brussels, Belgium
IV Art Fair of Today, Bruges, Belgium
XXXVI Biennale de Venezia, Venice, Italy
1971 Latin Amerika-Skandinavia, Konsthallen-Gotenborg, Gotenborg, Sweden
Latin Amerika-Skandinavia, Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
Latin Amerika-Skandinavia, Gentofte Kunstverrenr, Og Gentofte Kommunalbestyrelse,
Gentofte Radhus Charlottenlund, Denmark
Latin Amerika-Skandinavia, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
Prix d`Europe de peinture, Casino-kursaal, Ostend, Belgium
1970 III Bienal de Menton, France
Vision 24: Pittori e scultori di America Latina, Istituto Italo Latino Americano di Roma, Rome, Italy
1969 Twentieth-Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1968 New York Panamerican Week, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1967 New York Panamerican Week, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
The Nelson Rockefeller Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Dimensions of the Real, Galerry Dom Omladine, Belgrade; Naples; Prague; Zagreb
Recent Acquisitions, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1966 Obelisk Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
Group Show, Rose Fried Gallery, New York, NY
The Josephine and Phillip A. Bruno Collection, St. Paul Art Center, St. Paul, MN
1965 The Josephine and Phillip A. Bruno Collection, Finch College Museum of Art, New York, NY
Artisti Latinoamericani d`Avanguardia, Galleria Due Mondi, Rome, Italy
V Rassegna di arti figurative di Roma e del Lazio, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy
Painters and Sculptors from the Gallery, Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
Alternative attuali 2, Castello Spagnolo, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy
Hablan español, Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
1964 ERL y Guido Strazza (Milanese), Instituto de Arte Contemporaneo
Artisti della Galleria, Galleria Lorenzelli, Milan, Italy
Collections in America, The Concoran Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
Painters of New York Galleries, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
XXXII Biennale internazionale d`arte Venezia, Venice, Italy
1963 XIII Premio Lissone, Milan, Italy
Festival dei due mondi, Spoleto, Italy
Painting and Sculpture Today, Herron Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
1962 Cumer Gallery of Art, Jacksonville, FL
New Aspects of Modern Painting, Tennessee Center, Nashville, TN
Four artists from the Gallery, Galerie Neufville, Paris, France
Artistes Latino-américaines, Musée d`Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Recent Acquisitions, Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
1961 The 1961 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Department of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
Piccoli dipinti di maestri stranieri contemporanei, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy
The Maremont Collection at the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
1960 Four Peruvian Painters, Gallery of Modern Art, Rome, Italy
Brigitte Coudrain/Rodriguez-Larrain, Kunstamt Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
XXX Biennale Internazionale d`Arte, Venice, Italy
1958 Galerie Lucien Blanc, Paris, France
Galerie Cimaise, Paris, France
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen, Denmark
I Bienal Interamericana de pintura y grabado, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico
1957 Salón des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d`Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
1955 Premio Valencia, Venezuela
Primer salón anual de pintura peruana, Museo de Reproducciones Pictóricas de la Universidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
1951 Galería Biosca, Madrid, Spain
2006 Teknoquímica Painting Prize, Lima, Peru
2005 Ignacio Merino Medal, Lima, Peru
1985 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Grant, Bonn, Germany
1976 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
1973 Prix de l`Europe, Ostend, Belgium
1971 Prix de l`Europe, Ostend, Belgium
1965 William and Noma Copley Foundation Grant, Chicago, IL
1963 Lissone International Prize, Italy
1955 Galería Moncloa Acquisition Prize, Lima, Peru
City of Valencia Prize, Venezuela
1954 Second prize in the Manuel Moncloa Ordóñez Contest
1949 “Regla T” T-Square Award, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru
2016 Lerner Sharon, Natalia Majflu, and Dorota Biczel. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2015 Pardo, Cecilia, ed. Libro Guía del Museo de Arte de Lima—MALI. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima. La otra margen: pintura geométrica en el Peru (1947-1958). Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2014 Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Selección de obra a través del tiempo. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galería Lucia de la Puente.
Kusunoki, Ricardo and Wuffarde, Luis Edwardo, eds. Arte moderno. Colección Museo de Arte de Lima. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2014. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2013 Lerner, Sharon, ed. Arte contemporáneo. Colección Museo de Arte de Lima. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2012 Lenguaje/estructura/territorio en la colección de arte contemporáneo del MALI. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2011 Crousse, Verónica. “Reencontrando la especialidad en el arte público del Perú.” PhD diss., Universidad de Barcelona.
Arte al paso. Colección contemporánea del Museo de Arte de Lima—MALI. Exhibition Catalogue. Sao Paulo: Estaçao Pinacoteca.
2010 Diálogos en la colección de arte contemporáneo del MALI. Donaciones y adquisiciones. ExhibitionCatalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Obra reciente. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galería Lucia de la Puente.
2008 MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2008. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
Wuffarden, Luis Eduardo. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain y el espíritu de la modernidad. Exhibition Catalogue. Arequipa: Galería de Arte del Cultural.
2007 Wuffarden, Luis Eduardo. MALI Contemporáneo. Adquisiciones y donaciones 2007. Exhibtion Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
Wuffarden, Luis Eduardo. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. XIV Bienal de Pintura Teknoquimica.
Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA).
2006 Post-illusiones nuevas visiones: arte critico en Lima (1980-2006). Exhibition Catalogue. Lima.
Miradas del fin del siglo II: constelaciones. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2005 Wiesse, Ricardo. Papeles del vacío. Arte y paisaje en el Perú. Lima: Fortunata Barrios y Ricardo
Wiesse Editores.
Miradas de fin de siglo II: Revelaciones poéticas apocalípticas de finales del milenio. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2004 “La batalla por el arte modern.” In Enciclopedia temática del Perú, XV: Arte y arquitecture. El Comercio.
2003 Necrologias, El retorno de las huacas (no retornables) 1977-2003. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo Pedro de Osma.
2002 Hérnandez Calvo, Max and Jorge Villacorta. Franquicias imaginaria: las opciones estéticas en las artes plástics en el Peru de fin de siglo. Lima: Pontifica Universidad Católica.
Wuffarden, Luis Eduardo. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Muestra antológica 1982-2002. Exhibition
Catalogue. Lima: Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA).
2001 Cisneros, Antonio. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Pinturas 1992-1999. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: La Galería.
Makowski, Krysztof, Natalia Majluf, and Francisco Stastny. El arte en el Perú. Obras en la colección del Museo de Arte de Lima. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.
2000 Todas las artes. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Arte y R Centro de Exposiciones.
1999 Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Pinturas 1992-1999. Exhibtion Catalogue. Lima: La Galería.
1997 Jean Dewasne. Emilio Rodríguez Larrain. Antología. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Municipalidad de Lima, Festival International de Lima.
1996 Majluf, Natalia. “Peru.” In Arte Latinoamericano del siglo XX, edited by Edward Sullivan. Madrid: Editorial Nerea.
Ampuero, Fernando. Bicho raro. Lima: Jaime Campodónico Editor.
1995 Lama, Luis. Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Obras sobre papel-Peru. Exhibition Catalogue. Roldanillo: Museo Rayo.
Ribeyro, Julio Ramón. La tentación del fracaso (I-III). Diario personal (1950-1978). 3 vols. Lima: Jaime Campodónico Editor.
1993 I Triennale des Ameriques. 100 Artistes-15 pays. Exhibition Catalogue. Maubeuge: Espace Sculfort.
1991 Man Ray et ses amis (Man Rei to yu jintachiten). Exhibition Catalogue. Tokyo: Bunkamura Museum of Art.
1990 Salazar Bondy, Sebastián. Una voz libre en el caos. Ensayo y crítica de arte. Lima: Jaime Campodónico Editor.
1989 Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Berlin-New York-Lima. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte Camino Brent.
1988 Olympic Sculpture Park. Exhibition Catalogue. Seoul: Gallery Hyundai.
1987 Bryce Echenique, Alfredo. Seis contra la muralla. Exhibtion Catalogue. Llansá: Bar La Muralla.
1986 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain—Un Cuarto de Escultura. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte Camino Brent.
1985 Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain, Skulpturenprojekte für die Anden. Exhibition Catalogue. Berlin: Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD.
1984 Hinostroza, Rodolfo. Para llegar a Nasca (Conversaciones con Emilio Rodriguez Larrain). Lima: Galeria 9.
Soyer, Emilio. Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain—Esculturas. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte Camino Brent.
1982 Kunstler aus Lateinamerika. Exhibition Catalogue. Berlin: Berliner Kunstlerprogramm des DAAD.
Ribeyro, Julio Ramon and Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos. Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte 9.
1981 Ortiz de Zevallos, Augusto and Gastón Garreaud. Gerardo Chavez-Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galería de Arte Trilce.
1980 Emilio Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte 9.
1979 Emilio R. Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Galeria de Arte 9.
1978 Dewasne, Jean. Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Barcelona: Galería Trece.
1976 XXX Salon des Réalités Nouvelles 1976. Exhibition Catalogue. Paris: La Galerie.
1975 Dewasne, Jean. Emilio R. Larrain. Sculptures-Peintures. Exhibition Catalogue. Paris: L`Enseigne du Cerceau.
Stastny, Francisco. Pintura peruana contemporánea Decada del 60. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Casa del Moral and Banco Industrial del Peru.
1973 Rodriguez-Larrain, Emilio. Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Bergamo: Galleria Lorenzelli.
1972 XXXVI Biennale di Venezia. Exposizione internazionale d`arte “Grafica d`oggi.” Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia.
1971 Chevalier, Denys. Latin Amerika-Skandinavia. Exhibition Catalogue. Oslo: Kunstnernes Hus.
Chevalier, Denys. Prix d`Europe de peinture. Exhibition Catalogue. Ostend, Casino-kursaal.
Dupréau, Jean. Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Milan: Galleria Lorenzelli.
1970 Minardi, Vittorio. Vision 24: Pittori e scultori di America Latina. Exhibition Catalogue. Rome: Istituto Italo Latino Americano.
Ugarte Eléspuru, Juan Manuel. Pintura y escultura en el Perú contemporáneo. Lima: Perú Arte.
1969 Acha, Juan. “El arte en el siglo XX.” In Enciclopedia del Arte en América, by Vicente Gesualdo, Historia II, 349-364. Buenos Aires: Editorial Omeba.
Gesualdo, Vicente. Enciclopedia del Arte en América. 5 vols. Buenos Aires: Editorial Omeba.
Twentieth-Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: The Museum of Modern Art.
1968 Crispolti, Enrico. Ricerche dopo L`informale. Roma: Officina Edizioni.
1967 Crispolti, Enrico. Dimensions of the Real (Dimenzijé Realnoj). Exhibition Catalogue. Belgrade: Galerry Doma Omladine.
Russoli, Franco. Rodriguez Larrain. Pinturas de 1959-1965. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Francisco Moncloa Editores.
1965 Crispolti, Enrico. Dimensions of the Real (Dimenzijé Realnoj). Exhibtion Catalogue. Milan: Galerry
Doma Omladine and Lerici Editori.
Crispolti, Enrico. Alternative attuali 2. Exhibition Catalogue. L'Aquila: Castello Spagnolo.
Staempfli, George W. Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Staempfli Gallery.
1964 Lee, Leslie and Sebastian Salazar Bondy. Peru. Partecipazione all 32ma. Biennale internazionale d`arte Venezia. Exhibition Catalogue.
Macera Dall, Julio. XXXII Biennale internazionale d`arte Venezia. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice.
1963 Painting and Sculpture Today. Exhibition Catalogue. Indianapolis: Herron Museum of Art.
Russoli, Franco. Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Milan: Galleria Lorenzelli.
1962 Recent Acquisitions. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Staempfli Gallery.
Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Staempfli Gallery.
1961 Washburn, Gordon Bailey. The 1961 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Exhibition Catalogue. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute.
Maremont, Arnold Harold. The Maremont Collection at the Institute of Design. Exhibition Catalogue. Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology.
Piccoli dipinti di maestri stranieri contemporanei. Exhibition Catalogue. Bergamo: Galleria Lorenzelli.
1960 Brigitte Coudrain/Rodriguez-Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Berlin: Kunstamt Charlottenburg.
Alfieri, Bruno. XXX Biennale Internazionale d`Arte. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Stamperia di Venezia.
1959 Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Legnano: Galleria Pagani.
Russoli, Franco. Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Milan: Galleria Montenapoleone.
1957 Dewasne, Jean. Rodriguez Larrain. Exhibition Catalogue. Florence: Galleria Redazione Numero.
1955 Miró Quesada, Alejandro. Primer Salón Anual de Pintura Peruana. Exhibition Catalogue. Lima: Museo de Reproducciones Pictóricos de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Salazar Bondy, Sebastian. “Una casa frente al mar.” El Arquitecto Peruano.
Banco de la Nación, Lima, Peru
Collezione alla Scalla, Milan, Italy
Collezione Piccolo Teatro, Milan, Italy
DAAD Collection, Berlin, Germany
Galeria Paco Moncloa, Lima, Peru
Galerie à L`Enseigne du Cerceau, Paris, France
Galerie Alexander Iolas, Paris, France
Galerie Arcanes, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne, Germany
Galerie Nebelun, Düsseldorf, Germany
Galleria Capricornio, Venice, Italy
Galleria Il Milione, Milan, Italy
Galleria Lorenzelli, Milan, Italy
Galleria Montenapoleone, Milan, Italy
Galleria Numero, Florence, Rome, Milan, Italy
Gallery Birk, Copenhagen, Denmark
Knoll International Collection, New York, NY
Leverkusen Museum, Cologne, Germany
Mantero Collection, Cuomo, Italy
Ministry of Culture, France
Mondadori Collection, Milan, Italy
Musée d`Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Musée d`Art Moderne d`Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium
Museo de Arte Moderno de Lima, Lima, Peru
Museo de la Universidad de Ingenieros, Lima, Peru
Musée Maillol, Paris, France
Museo Rayo, Cali, Colombia
NBC Collection, New York, NY
Northern Trust Bank, New York, NY, Boston, MA
Obelisk Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
Rose Fried Gallery, New York, NY
Saint Paul College, St. Paul, MN
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Städtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
The Chase Manhattan Collection, New York, NY
The Morgan Flagg Collection, San Luis Obispo, CA
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
The New School University Collection, New York, NY
UCLA Collection, Los Angeles, CA
University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ
Volksburg Collection, Germany
World House Gallery, New York, NY
Alexander Brokaw, New York, NY
Alexander Iolas
Arne Ekstrom Collection, New York, NY
Arnold Maremont Collection, New York, NY
Carlo Frua de Angelis, Milan, Italy
Carlos Basadre, Peru
Claudio Simonetti, Lugano, Switzerland
David Rockefeller Collection, New York, NY
Eduardo Hochschild, Peru
Emily McFadden Collection, New York, NY
Federico Fellini
Felipe Thorndike, Peru
George Gruenberg, Peru
Giani Agnelli Collection, Turino, Italy
Giulia Falk Collection, Milan, Genova, Italy
Jean Dewasne
Juan Carlos Verme, Peru
Lee Ault Collection, New York, NY
Luis Carlos Rodrigo, Peru
M. Miguel Ortiz Berrocal, Verona, Italy
Man Ray, New York, NY, Paris France
Manuel Checa Solari, Peru
Manuel Ulloa, Peru
Marcel Duchamp
Matt Baron, Los Angeles, CA
Natalia Majflu, Peru
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection, New York, NY
Paul Steimberg, Paris, France
R. Sarnoff Collection, New York, NY
Roberto Matta Echaurren, Paris, France
Thaddée Petersell, Paris, France
Teeny Matisse Collection, New York, NY, Paris, France
Veronica Marsano, Lima, Peru
W. Benenson, New York, NY
- Creator:Emilio Rodríguez Larraín (1928, Peruvian)
- Creation Year:1964
- Dimensions:Height: 67 in (170.18 cm)Width: 91 in (231.14 cm)Depth: 2.75 in (6.99 cm)
- Medium:
- Movement & Style:
- Period:
- Condition:Oil on paper mounted on composition board; painting: restoration, toning, minor marks, shows well; frame: minor marks; shows well; framed dimensions: 68 x 92 x 3 inches.
- Gallery Location:Santa Cruz, CA
- Reference Number:1stDibs: LU34410665582
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Artist Statement:
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Master of Fine Arts in Painting
Bard College 1986
Bachelor of Science in Art History
State University College at New Paltz 1977
Additional Study: New York Studio School (Drawing Marathons)
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Women’s Studio Workshop
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Invitational Award for Outstanding Contemporary Talent,
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First Prize, “Women in the Visual Arts ‘95”
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Joseph A. Cain Memorial Purchase Award for Sculpture
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Honorable Mention, “National Juried Exhibition”
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