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Pair of French Louis XIII Style 19th Century Os de Mouton Wooden Fauteuils

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Pair of French Louis XIII Style 19th Century Os de Mouton Wooden Fauteuils
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A pair of French Louis XIII style wooden os de mouton armchairs from the 19th century, with slanted camelbacks, large scrolling arms, cross stretchers and used upholstery. Created in...

Antique 19th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs


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French Louis XIII Style 19th Century Walnut Fauteuil with Os de Mouton Base
Located in Atlanta, GA
A French Louis XIII style walnut fauteuil from the 19th century, with os de mouton base, large scrolling arms and red upholstery. Created in France during the 19th century, this waln...

Antique 19th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs


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Louis XIII Style 19th Century French Os de Mouton Walnut Armchairs, a Pair
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A pair of French Louis XIII style os de mouton carved walnut armchairs from the 19th century with large scrolling arms. Behold the timeless elegance of this pair of French Louis XIII...

Antique 19th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs


Upholstery, Walnut

Pair of French Louis XIII Style Walnut Os de Mouton Chairs with Scrolling Arms
Located in Atlanta, GA
A pair of French Louis XIII style walnut os de mouton legs armchairs from the 20th century with large scrolling arms. Discover the timeless elegance and robust charm of these French ...

20th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs


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French Louis XIII Style 19th Century Walnut Armchair with Turned Base
Located in Atlanta, GA
A Louis XIII style French walnut armchair from the 19th century with arched top back, turned base and large scrolling arms. This 19th-century French walnut armchair, crafted in the e...

Antique 19th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs


Upholstery, Walnut

18th Century French Louis XIII Style Armchair
Located in Atlanta, GA
This exquisite 18th-century French Louis XIII-style armchair showcases the timeless craftsmanship and elegance of the period. Constructed from walnut, the chair features a beautifull...

Antique 18th Century French Louis XIII Armchairs



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