Pearlware Figure
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Pottery, Pearlware
Antique Early 19th Century English Georgian Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century British Georgian Ceramics
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Nautical Objects
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1820s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Figurative Sculptures
Ceramic, Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Pottery
Antique Mid-19th Century British Colonial Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century Georgian Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1780s English Georgian Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Late 18th Century English Neoclassical Pottery
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Planters and Jardinieres
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 1800s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Mid-19th Century European American Classical Figurative Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Ceramics
Recent Sales
Antique 18th Century and Earlier English Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1790s English Ceramics
Antique 1880s British Ceramics
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique 1820s Ceramics
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Ceramics
Antique 1820s English Ceramics
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Ceramics
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Pottery
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique 1780s English Ceramics
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English George IV More Furniture and Collecti...
Ceramic, Earthenware, Pottery
Antique 18th Century and Earlier British Figurative Sculptures
Antique 18th Century and Earlier British Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1810s Ceramics
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Ceramics
Ceramic, Earthenware, Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1790s English Ceramics
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Georgian Pottery
Antique 1810s English Ceramics
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Rustic Animal Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1820s English Ceramics
Ceramic, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century British Animal Sculptures
Antique 1820s British Boxes
Antique 1790s English Pottery
Ceramic, Earthenware, Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 1800s English Regency Pottery
Antique 19th Century English Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Animal Sculptures
Antique 19th Century English Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English George III Ceramics
Ceramic, Earthenware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century British Regency Figurative Sculptures
Earthenware, Pearlware
Antique 18th Century and Earlier British Pottery
Antique 18th Century and Earlier English Pitchers
Antique Early 1800s English Ceramics
Antique Early 19th Century English Animal Sculptures
Antique 19th Century English Pottery
Ceramic, Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century English Neoclassical Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1790s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1820s English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1820s English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1820s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 1800s English Classical Greek Pottery
Antique 1820s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Animal Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Late 18th Century English Georgian Candlesticks
Creamware, Pottery, Ceramic
Antique 1820s English Regency Figurative Sculptures
Antique 1820s English Folk Art Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Georgian Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 1780s British Georgian Figurative Sculptures
Earthenware, Pearlware
Antique Early 19th Century English Folk Art Pottery
Ceramic, Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Ceramics
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Folk Art Animal Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English George IV Animal Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 18th Century and Earlier English Figurative Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century English Georgian Pottery
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique 19th Century British Figurative Sculptures
Antique 18th Century and Earlier English Folk Art Animal Sculptures
Antique Early 19th Century English Georgian Animal Sculptures
Pearlware, Pottery
Antique Early 19th Century English Regency Pottery