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Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Creator: Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Snaffles Military Print, The Gunner
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Snaffles WWI Military Print, The Gunner. A good Snaffles WWI military print entitled 'The 'Gunner', it is a hand coloured lithograph and shows the Gunner looking up at a passing plan...

Early 20th Century British Sporting Art Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Signed Snaffles Hunting Print, The Huntsman.
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles Hunting Print, The Huntsman. A hand coloured Snaffles lithograph entitled 'The Huntsman '. The main picture shows a huntsman sat on his horse counting the pack of ho...

Early 20th Century British Sporting Art Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture


Paper, Wood

Signed Snaffles WW I Naval Print. Gentlemen Unafraid.
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Snaffles WW I Naval print "Gentlemen Unafraid". A coloured Snaffles lithograph entitled "Gentlemen Unafraid" showing sailors in the bow of a boat "Bedelia...

Early 20th Century British Campaign Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WW1 Military Print Heilan' Lad by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, A Heilan' Lad. A good Snaffles WWI military print entitled 'A Heilan' Lad'. The main center colour-piece image is mounted onto the printed remarq...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WW1 Military Print, Vimy, by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles First World War Print, Vimy. A good Snaffles WWI military print 'Vimy'. The main center colour-piece hand coloured lithograph is mounted onto the printed remarque bo...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Snaffles Print, WW1 Military Print, Anzac
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, Anzac. A good Snaffles WWI military print entitled 'Anzac'. The main center colour-piece image is mounted onto the printed remarque board. The Sn...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Snaffles Print, WW1 Military Print, the 'D.R.'
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, The D.R. A good hand coloured Snaffles WWI military print 'The D.R.'. The main center colour-piece image is mounted onto the printed remarque board and shows a despatch rider on a motor cycle racing past two dead riders in the road, a sign saying "Do not loiter here, this spot is DANGEROUS", a wayside shrine with Jesus on the cross and with the caption 'Remarkable close to the old bus...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WW1 Military Print, Canadian, by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, The Canadian. A good Snaffles WWI military print 'The Canadian', the main center colour-piece hand coloured lithograph is mounted onto the printe...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WW1 Military Print Le Poilu, by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles First World War Print, Le Poilu. A good Snaffles WWI military print 'Le Poilu'. The main center colour-piece hand coloured lithograph is mounted onto the printed rem...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WW1 Military Print Bon Voyage, by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, Bon Voyage. A good Snaffles hand coloured lithograph, WWI military print "Bon Voyage". The main center colour-piece is mounted onto the printed r...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Snaffles WW1 Military Lithograph, 'le 75' Military Print.
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, Le 75. A good Snaffles WWI military print 'Le 75', the main center colour-piece hand coloured lithograph is mounted onto the printed remarque boa...

Early 20th Century English Sporting Art Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Gunners, WW1 Military Print by Snaffles
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Snaffles WWI Military Print, Gunners. A good Snaffles WWI military lithograph with hand finishing with the title 'Gunners'. The picture shows a team of six horses and three drivers, ...

Early 20th Century British Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Snaffles Print, Wwi Military Print, 'le Poilu'
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles First World War Print, Le Poilu. A good Snaffles WWI military print 'Le Poilu'. The main center colour-piece image is mounted onto the printed remarque board.The Sna...

1910s British Sporting Art Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Signed Snaffles Pig Sticking Print - Got Yer You Old Badmash!
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Got Yer You Old Badmash! By Snaffles, Pig Sticking. A fine signed Snaffles Pigsticking lithograph titled 'Got Yer You Old Badmash!'. This picture depicts a rider spearing a pig from ...

1930s British Sporting Art Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Signed Snaffles WWI Military Print, The Gunner
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Snaffles WWI Military Print, The Gunner. A good Snaffles WWI military print entitled 'The 'Gunner' with artist signature in pencil in the bottom right-...

20th Century British Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Related Items
Original Antique Print of Deer Hunting
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'Die Hirschjagd - The Stag-Hunt'. Original engraving of deer hunting. Lithographed by T. Heawood after Carl Rutharts. Published by A.H. Payne, circa 1850.

Mid-19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Original Antique Print of Deer Hunting
Original Antique Print of Deer Hunting
H 10.56 in W 8 in D 0.02 in
Antique Print of Patridge Hunting by Müller & Sandmann, circa 1880
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Antique print titled 'Die Suche auf Rebhühner mit dem Hühnerhunde'. Lithograph of patridge hunting with dogs. Lithograph by Müller & Sandmann. Printe...

Late 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Pl 128 Antique Print of French 18th Century Military Outfits by Racinet
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Antique print titled 'France XVIIIth Cent - France XVIIIe, Siecle - Frankreich XVIIItes Jahr'. Chromolithograph of French 18th century military o...

Late 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Hanoverian Guard Hussar Officer Elegance, 19th Century Military Print
Located in Langweer, NL
The title of this original antique print is the "Königl. Hannover. Garde Hussaren Regt.", which translates to "Royal Hanoverian Guard Hussar Regiment". This unit would have been part of the army of the Kingdom of Hanover, which, during various periods, was in personal union with the United Kingdom. The Guard Hussars would have been a prestigious cavalry unit, likely serving as both ceremonial guards and elite troops. The uniform, with its rich decoration and distinctive Hussar features, suggests a high ceremonial as well as functional military significance. The King's German Legion...

1820s Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Interesting Original Antique Print of the Hunting Methods of Persians, 1731
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'De Manier van Jagen der Persianen'. This print shows the hunting methods of Persians. This print originates from 'Hedendaagsche historie of Tegenwoordige staat ...

18th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Antique Pair of Framed Certificates, French, Award of Honour, WW1, circa 1920
Located in Hele, Devon, GB
This is an antique pair of framed certificates. A French, large award of posthumous honour from WWI and a smaller plaque of good conduct, dating to the early 20th century, circa 1920. Rare, French antique certificates...

Early 20th Century French Edwardian Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Antique Hunting Print of a shot at Brent Geese, circa 1863
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'Punt gunning on the coast, a shot at Brent Geese'. Published by Henry Lea & Co, London. This print includes a passe partout. Please note...

Late 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Pl. 127 Antique Print of French 18th Century Military Music by Racinet
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'France XVIIIth Cent - France XVIIIe, Siecle - Frankreich XVIIItes Jahr'. Chromolithograph of French 18th century Military M...

Late 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Douglas Adams Signed Antique Print, Hunting Scene, Artist Proof, circa 1893
By Douglas Adams
Located in Colorado Springs, CO
This is the artist proof edition of an untitled hunting scene by Douglas Adams. The print was issued in a limited, numbered edition of 300 and is signed by the artist in the margin. ...

1890s British Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Pl. 150 Antique Print of Scottish Military Outfits by Racinet, 'circa 1880'
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'Scotland - Ecosse - Schottland'. Chromolithograph of Scottish Military Outfits. This print originates from 'Le Costume Historiq...

Late 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Original Antique Print of a Hunting Dog
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique print titled 'Le Chien de Chasse - Sporting Dog (..)'. Original engraving of a hunting dog. Lithographed by W. French after Stubbs. Published b...

Mid-19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Original Antique Print of a Hunting Dog
Original Antique Print of a Hunting Dog
H 7.8 in W 10.79 in D 0.02 in
Original Antique Print of Fox Hunting in England
Located in Langweer, NL
Antique engraving of fox hunting by Alken, Henry Thomas, 1784-1851 (Engraver). Originates from 'Sporting sketches: consisting of subjects relating to sport...

Early 19th Century Antique Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Previously Available Items
Signed Snaffles Fox Hunting/ WWII Military Print, Pass Friend
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage Snaffles Hunting Print, Pass Friend. A signed Snaffles photolithograph titled 'Pass Friend'. The main image depicts a fox passing in front of Charlie White of the Home Guard....

20th Century British Sporting Art Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Signed Snaffles Fox Hunting/ WWII Military Print, Pass Friend
Signed Snaffles Fox Hunting/ WWII Military Print, Pass Friend
Free Shipping
H 18.12 in W 22.25 in D 0.6 in
Snaffles Fox Hunting Print 'Landing His Wager'
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Set of four hunting prints after snaffles. "Landing His Wager" is a wonderful set of four fox hunting lithographs mounted as one with the colo...

1910s British Sporting Art Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



Antique Snaffles Hunting Print
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
The Glad Throng That Goes Laughing Along. A good large Snaffles hunting print 'The Glad Throng That Goes Laughing Along'. The Snaffles ch...

1910s English Sporting Art Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Antique Snaffles Hunting Print
Antique Snaffles Hunting Print
H 16.54 in W 42.33 in D 1.19 in
Hunting Print, Stone Wall
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
The stone wall by Snaffles A good signed snaffles hunting print 'The Stone Wall'. The snaffles hand coloured lithograph depicts a huntsma...

1910s English Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Hunting Print, Stone Wall
Hunting Print, Stone Wall
H 13.39 in W 20.87 in D 0.04 in
Snaffles Peshawar Vale Hunt, Hunting Lithograph, Signed in Pencil
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Peshawar vale hunt by Snaffles. A good signed Snaffles Hunting print 'The Peshawar Vale Hunt'. The Snaffles hand finished lithograph depicts huntsman in solar topees galloping acros...

1930s English Sporting Art Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture



WWI Military Print, Wipers
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Vintage snaffles WWI military print, Wipers. A good signed Snaffles WWI military print 'Wipers', Snaffles hand coloured lithograph, circa 1915. The pi...

1910s English Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

WWI Military Print, Wipers
WWI Military Print, Wipers
H 11.42 in W 8.08 in D 0.04 in
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, the D.R
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
A good hand colored Snaffles WWI military print 'The D.R.'. The lithograph shows a despatch rider on a motor cycle racing past two dead riders in the road, a sign saying "Do not loiter here, this spot is DANGEROUS" a wayside shrine with Jesus on the cross and with the caption 'Remarkable close to the old bus...

1910s British Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, the D.R
Vintage Snaffles WWI Military Print, the D.R
H 12.01 in W 11.42 in D 0.04 in
WWI Military Print, Bon Voyage
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
A good Snaffles WWI military print 'Bon Voyage' Snaffles hand colored lithograph. The picture shows a French artillery man holding a shell ready to loa...

1910s English Vintage Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

WWI Military Print, Bon Voyage
WWI Military Print, Bon Voyage
H 11.42 in W 8.08 in D 0.04 in
Snaffles Hunting Picture
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Original snaffles artwork. A rare, original hunting picture hand colored by Snaffles over a litho base. The snaffles picture is entitled "The Spooney Who hunts for the ride out and the ride home". Mounted and framed in a simple modern black frame. Charles 'snaffles' Johnson Payne (1884-1967) was an English painter who specialized in water colors, and whose subject matter was invariably equestrian (racing, hunting, polo and pig sticking...

Early 20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Snaffles Hunting Picture
Snaffles Hunting Picture
H 12.41 in W 11.62 in D 0.04 in
Snaffles WW II Military Print
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
'Forrard on me Lads and hit 'em - ard!'. WW II military print. A coloured Snaffles lithograph entitled 'Forrard on me Lads and hit 'em - ard.!!' Showing a farmer in his field with his two horses...

Mid-20th Century English Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Snaffles WW II Military Print
Snaffles WW II Military Print
H 20.67 in W 24.81 in D 0.79 in
Snaffles, Oh! To Be in England
By Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne
Located in Oxfordshire, GB
Snaffles Horse Racing Print, Oh! To Be in England. A good framed Snaffles equestrian print titled ‘Oh! To be in England’. The colourful main image shows a mounted jockey, a jockey just getting into the saddle and a jockey standing in the middle of the point-to-point parade ring...

Mid-20th Century Great Britain (UK) Charles"Snaffles" Johnson Payne Furniture

Snaffles, Oh! To Be in England
Snaffles, Oh! To Be in England
H 12.6 in W 21.26 in D 1.19 in

Charles "snaffles" Johnson Payne furniture for sale on 1stDibs.

Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne furniture are available for sale on 1stDibs. These distinctive items are frequently made of paper and are designed with extraordinary care. If you’re looking for additional options, many customers also consider furniture by and Douglas Adams. Prices for Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne furniture can differ depending upon size, time period and other attributes — on 1stDibs, these items begin at $793 and can go as high as $994, while a piece like these, on average, fetch $866.

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