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Antique Fireplace Mantel in Breche Violet Marble

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Breche D' Alep Marble Fireplace Mantel
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Antique Louis XV Fireplace Mantel in Striking Breche Marble
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Breccia Marble

Beautiful Breche Marble Fireplace Mantel, Free Shipping
Located in Haarlem, Noord-Holland
Its a pleasure to offer this wonderful French fireplace in beautiful Italian Breche (Breccia) marble. This early 19th century transitional (XIV - XV) mantel shows a great variety of ...

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Breccia Marble

Antique Marble Fireplace Mantel
Located in Haarlem, Noord-Holland
A very ornate, colorful and impressive Dutch fireplace mantel. This multi colored marble mantel is made from a very nice quality deep black marble from Belgium and decorations in ...

20th Century French Fireplaces and Mantels


Marble, Belgian Black Marble

Unique Antique Marble Louis XIV Fireplace Mantel
Located in Haarlem, Noord-Holland
This rare, large 18th century Louis XIV mantelpiece from Leuven (Belgium) is realized in three different types of marble: Noir de Mazy - The black marble from Belgium. Rouge Roya...

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Marble, Belgian Black Marble, Carrara Marble

Antique Red Marble Fireplace Mantel
Located in Haarlem, Noord-Holland
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Antique 19th Century French Louis Philippe Fireplaces and Mantels



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