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'The Four Seasons Cabinet' - by Zwiener Jansen Successeur

About the Item

The Four Seasons Cabinet - A Large and Important Gilt-Bronze Mounted Parquetry Side Cabinet by Zwiener Jansen Successeur. This magnificent cabinet is titled ‘The Four Seasons Cabinet’ with reference to the four gilt-bronze sculptural terms which each represent a different season. Palatial of scale this imposing side-cabinet is surmounted by its original white-marble top. The gilt-bronze frieze moulding is cast in a guilloche pattern and finished in burnished gilding. The pair of cupboard doors of bois satiné veneer have trellis parquetry with gilt-bronze studs. The interior has an adjustable shelf. The sides have open shelves and back panels with trellis parquetry. Raised on lion paw and ball feet. The reverse of the the gilt-bronze mountings variously stamped 'ZJ' for Zwiener Jansen Successeur. Zwiener Jansen Successeur was part of the celebrated firm of Maison Jansen. Founded in Paris in 1880 by Jean-Henri Jansen (1854-1929) Maison Jansen was the first truly global interior design house. Around 1895-1900 Jansen bought some of the master models of the celebrated furniture maker Emmanuel Zwiener, who had left Paris to return to Germany, and renamed the business 'Zwiener Jansen Successeur'. Jansen continued to faithfully produce Zwiener's creations, using the original models and lavishing the utmost care on these meubles de luxe. Bibliography: Mestdagh, Camille & Lécoules, Pierre. L'Ameublement d'Art Français, 1850-1900', Les Editions de L'Amateur, (Paris), 2010; pp. 301-309.
  • Creator:
  • Dimensions:
    Height: 46.46 in (118 cm)Width: 75.99 in (193 cm)Depth: 25.99 in (66 cm)
  • Style:
    Louis XVI (In the Style Of)
  • Materials and Techniques:
  • Place of Origin:
  • Period:
  • Date of Manufacture:
    Circa 1900
  • Condition:
    Wear consistent with age and use.
  • Seller Location:
    Brighton, GB
  • Reference Number:
    Seller: B774111stDibs: LU1028039903332

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