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Photography: Werner Straube

Beaux Art Bachelor Pad

Apartment by Marshall Morgan Erb Design Inc in Chicago, IL

Marshall Erb infused new life into in an elegant 1920s era Beaux Arts building apartment located along Lake Shore Drive in Chicago to create a unique combination of Art Deco, High Modernism and Brutalism. Thanks to some great architectural bones—like the ornate plaster ceiling and fireplace mantel—Erb's goal was to add depth to the design by utilizing the homeowner's collection of art and furniture. The apartment's vibrant color palette was inspired by a modern Turkish rug that was custom ordered for the living room to ground the pair of sapphire blue Art Decor arm chairs, custom 1980s-inspired chaise lounge and Baker sofa re-upholstered in a patterned green fabric. Meanwhile sculptural pieces by Donald Drumm were placed in the fireplace and as the base of the dining room table topped by a thin, black smoked-glass with a gilded rim. Brass accents and bright artwork curated by Jennifer Norback complete the home's colorful transformation.