Items Similar to The Basilica of St. Paul in Rome, Early 19th Century Etching by Luigi Rossini
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Luigi RossiniThe Basilica of St. Paul in Rome, Early 19th Century Etching by Luigi Rossini1823
About the Item
"Rovina della gran Basilica di S. Paolo fueri le mura accaduta" (View of the Ruins of the Great Triumphal Arch of S. Paolo Fuori le Mura) from "Le Antichita Romane" (Ancient Rome), published in Rome in 1823. It depicts the destruction of the Basilica of St. Paul after the fire of 1823. People stand in the road and on the right observing the damage amid debris, which includes many fragments of columns.
The etching is presented in a silver-color wood frame with an off-white double mat with a black inner mat. There are a few small spots, but it is otherwise in very good condition. See item # LU117324669722 for another Rossini etching depicting the Column of Trajan. It is framed and matted in the identical style as the current listing. The pair would make an attractive display grouping of Roman architecture. Please inquire about the discount available for the purchase of the pair of prints.
Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) like his predecessor, Giovanni Piranesi, was an architect and artist. Like Piranesi, he wanted to glorify the architecture of ancient Rome, which he felt was deteriorating and needed to be documented. Several of the ruins he illustrated have, in fact, since disappeared leaving only his images as a record of their appearance. His images of the grand edifices of the city dramatically depict the power and glory of ancient Rome reflected by its architecture, but were accurate enough to be used by practicing architects, as well as other serious students of classical antiquity. His art continues to influence and inspire architects, artists and those who love Rome.
Rossini was born in Rome and trained at the Academy of Bologna. Upon graduation, he moved to Rome and attempted a career as an architect. As he was not economically successful as an architect, he became a full-time artist, initially producing souvenirs for local collectors, wealthy and aristocratic European tourists on the Grand Tour, as well as for architectural students and practitioners all over Europe. Many of his prints were published in several imperial folio sized collections, including Le Anchita Romane (The Rome of Antiquity).
- Creator:Luigi Rossini (1790-1857, Italian)
- Creation Year:1823
- Dimensions:Height: 27.5 in (69.85 cm)Width: 37.13 in (94.32 cm)Depth: 0.88 in (2.24 cm)
- Medium:
- Movement & Style:
- Period:
- Condition:
- Gallery Location:Alamo, CA
- Reference Number:Seller: #27931stDibs: LU117324669702
Luigi Rossini
Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) like his predecessors, Giovanni Piranesi (1720–1778) and Giuseppi Vasi (1710-1782), was an architect and artist. Like Piranesi and Vasi, he wanted to glorify the architecture of ancient Rome, which he felt was deteriorating and needed to be documented. Several of the ruins he illustrated have, in fact, since disappeared leaving only his images as a record of their appearance. His images of the grand edifices of the city dramatically depict the power and glory of ancient Rome reflected by its architecture, but were accurate enough to be used by practicing architects, as well as other serious students of classical antiquity. His art continues to influence and inspire architects, artists and those who love Rome. Rossini was born in Rome and trained at the Academy of Bologna. Upon graduation, he moved to Rome and attempted a career as an architect. As he was not economically successful as an architect, he became a full-time artist, initially producing souvenirs for local collectors, wealthy and aristocratic European tourists on the Grand Tour, as well as for architectural students and practitioners all over Europe. Many of his prints were published in several imperial folio sized collections, including Le Anchita Romane (The Rome of Antiquity).
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