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Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects

French, 1796-1875

The son of a goldsmith, Parisian born Antoine-Louis Barye was a sculptor of animal subjects and acclaimed, not only for his apparent skill but as the founder of what became known as the French Animaliers School. Among his patrons were representatives of the state government and royalty, including the Duke of Orleans and the Dukes of Luynes, Montpensier and Nemours.

Well compensated financially, Barye was able to buy the best of materials and hire the country's most skilled foundry craftsmen. The foundry he hired was owned by Ferdinand Barbedienne and casts from this period were stamped with the letters, FB. However, he did not make a lot of money from his work because he was such a perfectionist that often he would not sell his work because he thought it was not "quite right." In 1848, he declared bankruptcy and his molds and plaster casts were sold along with the copyrights.

Barye's specialty was aroused, angry-seeming wild game such as lions and tigers and elephants, but he also did equestrian groups and mythology figures. In order to do realistic depictions of animal anatomy, he spent much time at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. His early training was as an apprentice to a metal engraver, but being drafted in the army in 1812 ended that education. In 1832, he had established his studio, and unique at that time was his method of cold stamping his bronze casts so that each one had a special number. He had his first entry, The Milo of Croton, in the Paris Salon in 1819, winning a second prize. In 1831, a work regarded as a masterpiece, Tiger Devouring a Gavial, was in the Salon and purchased for the Luxembourg Gardens, which is now in the Louvre. However, many of his subsequent Salon submissions were rejected and so angered him that between 1836 and 1851, he refused to submit entries. In 1851, he again exhibited at the Salon with Jaguar Devouring A Hare, and this work, like the 1831 entry, was placed in the Luxembourg Gardens and eventually in the Louvre.

In spite of problems with the Salon, Barye received many accolades for his work, and the period of 1837–48 was considered the most productive time of his career. However, in 1848, when he lost control of his work and it was reproduced by others including Martin and Barbedienne, the sculptures, according to some art professionals, are not as skillfully executed. In 1848, after his bankruptcy, Barye became director of Casts and Models in the Louvre, until 1850, when he was replaced by Emmanuel Fremiet. It was a very difficult time for him. However, within a few years, he began receiving accolades for the quality and uniqueness of his work, and people began appreciating the powerful images of his sculpture, especially the wildlife in their natural surroundings. In 1854, he was appointed Master of Zoological Drawing in the Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle and held this position until his death in 1875.

Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye
Antoine Louis Barye: (small) Gazelle, Patinated Bronze Sculpture, Unpublished
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Antoine Louis Barye (1796-1875, France): "(Little) gazelle" Bronze sculpture with a tendril-brown anthracite-green patina on black representing a gazelle on the lookout Late 19th/e...

1890s French Other Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French 1880s Bronze Sculpture “Tiger Walking” by Antoine-Louis Barye
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE France, 1796-1875 Tigre Qui Marche Sand-cast bronze with medium-brown, black and coppery patination signed "BARYE" with gently raised edges, incised "F. BARBED...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye Bronze Saint George Dragon Slayer Sculpture Statue Verdigris
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Dayton, OH
An eye caching figural sculpture of Saint George and the Dragon, After Antoine Louis Barye. As the legend goes, Saint George—a soldier venerated in Christianity—defeats a dragon. The...

Late 19th Century Renaissance Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Bronze

19th Century Animalier Bronze entitled "Lion Qui Marche" by Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
A majestic late 19th Century Animalier bronze study of a walking lion with fine rich brown patina and very fine hand chased surface detail. Raised on an integral base, signed Barye A...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine Louis Barye (1795-1875), ' Theseus fighting the centaur Bianor'
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Brighton, West Sussex
A Fine Patinated Bronze Group, Entitled 'Thesée Combattant le Centaure Bianor' ('Theseus Fighting the Centaur Bianor'), Cast by Ferdinand Barbedienne, From the Model By Antoine Louis...

19th Century French Classical Greek Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye Bronze Horse Sculpture with Left Foot Raised and Dark Patina
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Atlanta, GA
An Antoine-Louis Barye bronze sculpture from the 19th century depicting a horse with left foot raised and dark patina. Discover the evocative e...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Rare Bronze Sculpture “Charles VII, The Victorious” by Antoine-Louis Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1796-1875 "Charles VII, The Victorious" Sand-cast dark-brown over medium-brown patinated bronze signed "BARYE", cold-stamped underside "43" "00" and pu...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



19th Century Animalier Bronze entitled "Panthere de l’Inde" by Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
A superb mid 19th Century French animalier bronze study of a powerful panther reclining on a naturalistic rock. The surface of the bronze with excellent autumnal patina and very fine...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine Louis Barye, Panther of India on Inkwell, Ferdinand Barbedienne Edition
By Ferdinand Barbedienne, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in PARIS, FR
Beautiful "Panther of India" sculpture by Antoine Louis Barye mounted atop a green and white veined marble inkwell, Ferdinand Barbedienne edition, France circa 1900. Signed by the ar...

1890s French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Metal, Bronze

Mid-19th Century French Bronze Entitled "Deux Chiens en Arret" by A L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
"Deux Chiens en Arret" by A L Barye A dramatic mid 19th Century French bronze animalier group of a pointer and setter as they iflushing pheasants in a naturalistic undergrowth. The bronze with excellent autumnal (green, brown, and orange) patina and intricate hand chased surface detail, signed Barye. A rare bronze subject from the artist’s own atelier (workshop). Additional information Measures: Height: 12 cm Width: 25 cm Depth: 8 cm Condition: Excellent Original Condition Circa: 1860 Materials: Bronze Book Ref BARYE Catalogue Raisonne des Sculptures by Michel Poletti – Alain Richarme Page no. 150 Description Antoine Louis Barye “The Michelangelo of the Menagerie” These are the words of Théophile Gautier in praise of Barye’s genius. Throughout his life Barye endeavoured to capture the fundamental nature of the animal kingdom in all its diversity, wild or tame, exotic or familiar, cruel or gentle, bringing to life the roaring, trembling, living beasts. The son of a goldsmith, apprenticed to a steel engraver at a young age, Barye found himself making moulds for ornaments, acquiring knowledge that he would later build on to produce his exquisitely chased bronzes. When he was called up at seventeen, he joined the army’s topographic brigade where he used clay to model raised relief maps...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French Bronze Sculpture “Tiger Devouring Gazelle” after Antoine-Louis Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1795-1875 "Tigre Dévorant une Gazelle (second edition)" Medium-brown autumnal patinated sand-cast bronze Signed in cast "BARYE", incised "F. BARBEDIENN...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye, "Peace" Sculptural Bronze, Leblanc-Barbedienne Edition 1920
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in PARIS, FR
Magnificent and extremely rare Antoine-Louis Barye sculptural bronze titled "Peace". Beautiful and rich nuance of red and green patina on a representation of a resting shepherd and a...

1920s French Romantic Vintage Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye (French 1796 - 1875), Cougar Attack, Recast Bronze on Marble
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Germantown, MD
After Antoine-Louis Barye (French 1796 - 1875), Cougar Attack, Recast Bronze Figural Group On Marble Plinth. Ever seen a piece of art that instantly transports you to another time an...

20th Century French Neoclassical Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Bronze

The Famous Bronze Sculpture Entitled “Panthère Saisissant Un Cerf” by Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Long Island City, NY
The Famous Bronze Sculpture Entitled “Panthère Saisissant Un Cerf” By Barye Antoine-Louis Barye Depicting a Panther Seizing a Stag. Signed A L Barye...

19th Century French Belle Époque Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Animalier Bronze Sculpture "Theseus & The Centaur" by Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
Magnificent and very impressive bronze group entitled ‘Theseus and the Centaur’ by Antoine L Barye. The bronze with rich autumnal green, black, brown and orange patination and excell...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French Antique Bronze Sculpture"Walking Tiger"by Antoine-Louis Barye, Barbedienn
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1795-1875 "Tigre Qui Marche" Patinated bronze Signed in base "BARYE", incised "F. BARBEDIENNE FONDEUR, FRANCE" conceived 1841, cast circa 1880-1900 Item # 110UGP10Q Barye's ability to merge our romantic idealization of nature with a colder reality of nature's predator is beautifully represented in this striding cat. Originally conceived in 1841, Tigre Qui Marche (Walking Tiger...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Bronze

French Bronze Sculpture "Tiger Walking" after Antoine-Louis Barye, Barbedienne
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1795-1875 "Tigre Qui Marche" Dark brown patinated bronze Signed in base "A.L. BARYE", incised "F. BARBEDIENNE FONDEUR, PARIS", cold-stamped FRANCE cold-tooled to underside 19.691 conceived 1841, cast circa early 20th century Item # 111GPP20Q Barye's ability to merge our romantic idealization of nature with a colder reality of nature's predator is beautifully represented in this striding cat. Originally conceived in 1841, Tigre Qui Marche (Walking Tiger...

Early 20th Century French Romantic Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Jaguar Qui Marche No. 2 (Walking Jaguar) Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Newark, England
From our Sculpture collection, we are delighted to offer this Jaguar Qui Marche No. 2 (Walking Jaguar) Bronze by Antoine-Louis Barye. The Jaguar Qui Marche translates directly to Jag...

Mid-19th Century French Louis Philippe Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1795-1875) 'Lion marchant'
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Brighton, West Sussex
Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1795-1875) 'Lion marchant' bronze with dark brown patina signed 'BARYE' on the base and with the foundry mark 'HB / C' to underside for Maison H. Brame. France, Circa 1880. Antoine-Louis Barye’s remarkably lifelike depictions of wild animals made him the most famous animal sculptor of the nineteenth century and he is credited with making small animal bronzes cast in bronze a recognised genre. Such artists became known as ‘animaliers’. Given the associations with power and strength it is befitting that Barye cemented his reputation with his depeiction of ‘Un lion assis...

19th Century French Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



'Listening Stag' by Romantic Author A.L. Barye Produced by Barbedienne in Bronze
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in North Miami, FL
Patinated bronze sculpture 'Listening Stag' by romantic author and sculptor Antoine-Louis Barye and produced by F. Barbedienne Fondeur By: Antoine-Louis Barye, F. Barbedienne Fondeu...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Bronze, Metal, Copper

Rare Bronze Sculpture of “Arab on Camel” by Antoine-Louis Barye circa 1880
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1796-1875 "Dromadaire Monté par un Arabe" Nuanced green and black patinated bronze signed in base "BARYE" cold-stamped foundr...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



19th Century Art Nouveau Bronze "Panthère de L'Inde No.1" by Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
An excellent mid 19th Century French animalier bronze study of reclining panther with wonderful autumnal (green, orange, black and brown) patination and very intricate hand chased su...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Antoine-Louis Barye (1795 - 1875) bronze, LLion crushing a on oval base, signed
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Autonomous City Buenos Aires, CABA
Antoine-Louis Barye (Paris, 1795-1875). Lion crushing a Leopard. Bronze with a brown patina signed Barye on the left hand side of the base. The bronze sculpture is sitting on a blac...

Late 19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Bronze

Antoine-Louis Barye '1795-1875' Signed Bronze of Lion Crushing a Snake ca. 1870
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in CH
Antoine-Louis Barye (Paris, 1795-1875). Lion crushing a Snake. Bronze with a brown patina signed Barye on the left hand side of the base. The bronze sculpture is sitting on a black m...

Late 19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Marble, Bronze

Antoine Louis Barye, Bronze Model of 'Elephant De Senegal'
By Ferdinand Barbedienne, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Brighton, West Sussex
Antoine-Louis Barye (French, 1795-1875). ‘Éléphant du Sénégal’ (‘Senegalese Elephant’). Patinated bronze. Cast by Ferdinand Barbedienne, Paris, from the model by Antoine-Louis B...

19th Century French Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Bronze Sculpture “Lion Assis No. 2”, Antoine Louis Barye, circa 1880
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1796-1875 "Lion Assis, no. 2" Sand-cast bronze with autumnal patina signed in cast BARYE, stamped verso "AD" surmounted by a ...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



19th Century French Animalier "Guerrier du Caucase" by Antoine L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
"Guerrier du Caucase" by Antoine L Barye Excellent French bronze study of a mounted Caucasian Warrior in full armour, the bronze with excellent hand chased surface detail and rich green, brown, black and orange patination, signed BARYE. A fabulous example of this important sculpture in optimal condition. Additional Information Height: 20 cm Width: 17 cm Depth: 7 cm Condition: Excellent Original Condition Foundry: Atelier Barye circa: 1874 Materials: Bronze Book Ref BARYE Catalogue Raisonne des Sculptures by Michel Poletti – Alain Richarme Page no. 78 Description Antoine Louis Barye “The Michelangelo of the Menagerie” These are the words of Théophile Gautier in praise of Barye’s genius. Throughout his life Barye endeavoured to capture the fundamental nature of the animal kingdom in all its diversity, wild or tame, exotic or familiar, cruel or gentle, bringing to life the roaring, trembling, living beasts. The son of a goldsmith, apprenticed to a steel engraver at a young age, Barye found himself making moulds for ornaments, acquiring knowledge that he would later build on to produce his exquisitely chased bronzes. When he was called up at seventeen, he joined the army’s topographic brigade where he used clay to model raised relief maps...

19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Patinated Bronze Stag Sculpture Signed "Barye"
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Lambertville, NJ
"Antoine Louis Barye (1796-1875) Large standing Stag patinated bronze in beautiful original condition. The Bronze with brown patina. Signed o...

19th Century French Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Original French Bronze Sculpture of a Striding Wolf, by Antoine- Louis Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in New York City, NY
A fine original, French, early 20th century bronze statue of a walking wolf "Loup qui Marche" signed by Antoine-Louis Barye, Henry Bonnard foundry Co NY ...

Early 20th Century French Beaux Arts Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Rare French Antique Bronze Sculpture “Seated Lion No.4”After Antoine-Louis Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1796-1875 "Lion Assis no. 4" Dark-green patinated sand-cast bronze Signed in cast "BARYE" cast after 1875 Item # 204XDG15S ...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



"Cerf Qui Marche" by A L Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in London, GB
Excellent late 19th Century French bronze figure of a walking stag with beautiful autumnal, green. black. brown and orange patination and excellent hand finished surface detail on an oval naturalistic base with integral stepped plinth, signed Barye and inscribed F Barbedienne Fondeur ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Measures: Height: 19 cm Width: 22 cm Condition: Excellent Original Condition Circa: 1870 Foundry: F Barbedienne Materials: Bronze Book Ref Barye by Michel Poletti & Alain Richarme ABOUT Antoine Louis Barye “The Michelangelo of the Menagerie” These are the words of Théophile Gautier in praise of Barye’s genius. Throughout his life Barye endeavoured to capture the fundamental nature of the animal kingdom in all its diversity, wild or tame, exotic or familiar, cruel or gentle, bringing to life the roaring, trembling, living beasts. The son of a goldsmith, apprenticed to a steel engraver at a young age, Barye found himself making moulds for ornaments, acquiring knowledge that he would later build on to produce his exquisitely chased bronzes. When he was called up at seventeen, he joined the army’s topographic brigade where he used clay to model raised relief maps...

Mid-19th Century French Art Nouveau Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French Antique Bronze Sculpture "Tiger Devouring Gazelle" by Antoine-Louis Barye
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE French, 1795-1875 "Tigre Dévorant une Gazelle (second edition)" Verde and autumnal patinated bronze Signed in cast "BARYE", incised "F. Barbedienne Fondeur" c...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French Antique Bronze Sculpture Bas-Relief "Lion of the Zodiac" by Antoine-Louis
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
THE LION OF THE JULY COLUMN: LION OF THE ZODIAC AFTER A MODEL BY ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE Patinated bronze on walnut plaque Signed "BARYE", cold-tooled verso "43" Item # 107GWK14D This Fine bas-relief sculpture of Lion de la Colonne de Juillet (Lion du Zodiaque) portrays the astrological sign Leo as a prowling and ferocious lion with a mane that engulfs his head and neck, walking a Fine line along a narrow ledge while opening his mouth like one about to emit a growl. He is set against the equatorial band of the sun's path as it makes its way through the various illuminations of the zodiac. Barye was employed by the architect Jean-Louis Duc to model this bronze lion for the western side of the July Column. Erected in the Place de la Bastille in Paris, the monumental structure commemorated the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and the 504 lives lost in the insurrection. Influence for the model is perhaps somewhat owed to Visconti's "Walking Lion" held at the Musée Pie-Clémentin, a more romantic anthropomorphic modeling of this powerful beast. Glenn Benge observed that the lion was likely based on the engraving by Pietro Santo...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



Bronze Sculpture "Panther of Tunisia" After Antoine-Louis Barye, Barbedienne
By F. Barbedienne Foundry, Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
"PANTHÈRE DE TUNIS NO. 2" AFTER A MODEL BY ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE (FRENCH, 1796-1875) Signed in base "BARYE", incised to edge "F. Barbedienne Fondeur"; underside incised "24 / Z"; cast ...

19th Century French Romantic Antique Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects



French Sculpture "Parakeet on Tree" after Model by Antoine-Louis Barye
By Antoine-Louis Barye
Located in Shippensburg, PA
MODEL OF "PERRUCHE POSSÉE SUR UN ARBRE" AFTER ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE Patinated zinc, signed BARYE twice in base; ca. early 20th century Item # 103VPK20A Barye's model of Perruche posée...

20th Century French Romantic Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects


Copper, Zinc

Antoine-louis Barye decorative objects for sale on 1stDibs.

Antoine-Louis Barye decorative objects are available for sale on 1stDibs. These distinctive items are frequently made of metal and are designed with extraordinary care. There are many options to choose from in our collection of Antoine-Louis Barye decorative objects, although gold editions of this piece are particularly popular. Many of the original decorative objects by Antoine-Louis Barye were created in the Art Nouveau style in france during the 19th century. If you’re looking for additional options, many customers also consider decorative objects by F. Barbedienne Foundry, Christopher Fratin, and Charles Valton. Prices for Antoine-Louis Barye decorative objects can differ depending upon size, time period and other attributes — on 1stDibs, these items begin at $544 and can go as high as $30,000, while a piece like these, on average, fetch $6,800.
Questions About Antoine-Louis Barye Decorative Objects
  • 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022
    Antoine-Louis Barye was famous for his sculptures involving animals, which notably included Hercules Sitting on a Bull, Poised Stag and Lion With a Snake, among others. He was born in France and lived from 1795 to 1875. Shop a range of authentic Antoin-Louis Barye sculptures from top sellers on 1stDibs.

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