Featured In Metaglyphs

Goddess of Art

Spirit believes that the body is not inherently sexual, so when her self-portraiture was first flagged and banned from social media, she was disturbed by the implication: Instagram and Facebook label her body “unsafe and pornographic.” Unlike the exploitative images served to audiences every day, on every platform, Spirit's work does not depict the sexualized muse of a predatory artist or viewer. Yet, that exploitive work is promoted to a wide audience as art, and as culture, while her own is hidden from sight. By minting her work on the blockchain as NFTs, she cements her existence in the metaverse, as well as in tangible space. The current work is part of a larger project titled, “Power Through Voyeurism and Objectification”, and provides funding for its completion, which will include a book, 3D sculptures and video objects. The buyer of this NFT has the option to purchase a custom video print which plays the NFT and can be enjoyed in the home.
Token ID
Token Standard
MP4 Digital Video
1156 x 918
Artwork CID: QmZvhfbtDDCmtR4PudkQGtzoUnxreVZHnKCYSBggHnSd1J
Token Metadata CID: QmTq5hybrwrhtBrauWX4VVzfRXsRBcHXGfC84fuCLs9NuU
Savannah Spirit (b. Los Angeles) is a New York based photographer, artist and curator. Savannah’s work has been seen in selected publications such as Forbes, The Abolitionist, The Nation, LA Weekly, BOMB, Vice, W, Dazed, Billboard, and Huffington Post. Savannah has been photographing civil rights issues since 2012 starting with the Occupy Wall Street movement to BLM 2020. A selection of these works are in the collection at the Henry Ford Museum. Savannah’s private collectors reside in Rome, Sao Paolo, London, Miami, New York and Los Angeles. She also is in the permanent collection at Tom Ford's Houston flagship store. In her series “I Am My Own Muse” Savannah reclaims her body & power on social media through voyeurism and objectification by setting her own body politic. She subverts the power dynamics of photographer and subject. By minting her work on the blockchain as NFTs, she cements its existence in the metaverse. In her NFTs, Spirit breathes life into her self-portrait series, creating moving images that exist in the metaverse, on social media and in framed tangible video. New NFT drops coming in 2022. Since 2009, Savannah as curator has been helping emerging artists showcase their work in exhibitions in real life and online - from intimate art studio shows - to the independent gallery in New York City. Savannah is presently the co-founding curator of dontdelete.art, a website showcasing artists’ all over the world whose work has been banned or deleted on social media.

Exhibition Notes

Goddess of Art is presented in “Metaglyphs,” curated by Katie Peyton Hofstadter. Metaglyphs showcases artists using digital technologies to generate layers of meaning on more than one experiential plane, and includes work by Alfredo Salazar-Caro, Amy Kurzweil, Claudia Hart, LaJuné McMillian, LoVid, Carla Gannis, FakeShamus, Morehshin Allahyari, Savannah Spirit, and Swoon.

Metaglyph roughly translates to “beyond symbol” — an artwork representing the interconnected relationship between object materiality and digital existence. For as long as humans have told stories, we’ve been interested in objects that exist at the border between worlds. From ancient mythology to modern science fiction, our archetypal stories are filled with magical objects that serve as keys, black mirrors of culture and false identity, secret weapons with hidden powers. These NFT tokenized artworks use multiple techniques — ranging from digital simulation technology to 3D modeling to glitch — to probe the boundaries and consequences of our digital and analog desires.

The goal is not to replace reality, but to return to and enrich it. When we step through the looking glass — when we board the vessel — what will we see?

“These artworks are vessels that serve as a link between the familiar and the unknown. It’s the butterfly pinned to the board, and the butterfly rising above it. Not just the shark’s tooth, but its bite.”

–– Katie Peyton Hofstadter

Behind the scenes in the studio with Savannah Spirit. Video credit: Savannah Spirit


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