Door V

Door V

Created as an extension of investigating the door as a symbol in both the artist's life and broader culture. The artist creates his digital paintings using custom software. He selects and changes variables by hand, layering the output of the generative algorithms he's been writing since 2014. This process allows him to more rapidly and accurately manifest the vision in his mind's eye, compared to the physical materials he began his artistic career with over 20 years ago. After Yukio Ota's ISO Standard exit sign.
The Door
Token ID
Token Standard
PNG Digital Image
3840 x 3840

Exhibition Notes

Chicago-based Matt Kane is a generative artist whose work uses time and change as mediums.

“The subject [of The Door series] is based on Yukio Ota’s [1979] ‘running man’ exit sign. I created these after being in quarantine for a year and a half. We never exit without also entering, so the work became a meditation on our many choices which act as portals in our lives.”
