Ever Upward

Ever Upward

Looking eagerly toward the future while appreciating the past is a recurring theme in many of Jeff Smith’s works. “Ever Upward” is a mixed media digital painting encompassing this theme with exploding colors of purples, blues, pinks and greens. Woven throughout is a feeling of hope and anticipation, history and reflection. This juxtaposition plays out against an inferno of reds, highlighting towers that reach upward, illuminated by bright, colorful patterns. Past, present and future are grounded, yet ever changing. This original 1/1 piece was created from 7 separate drawings, paintings, photos and gradients layered onto one high-resolution digital canvas. This is a painting filled with conflict and competition, filtered to find the harmony and intentional contrast in the final piece. This painting is created in 8K resolution and is suitable for large-scale printing on art paper, if desired.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
8192 x 4320
Artwork CID: QmWcnHZu9fqYPo4B6wjpZHRsxnyZTVweqCumV3SueoNa8N
Token Metadata CID: QmXmH5xTtX5tdTBxUv1pGTFE1cwjyRi5L6Nm2QkoiqxinA
Jeff Smith is an abstract artist focusing on the conflict of color and texture, finding resolution through perceived movement within the canvas. Smith has pursued the resolution of dissonance throughout his varied career, which encompasses a number of different creative outlets. Smith creates primarily within the digital art space, but his background includes fine art as well as graphic design, film, animation, and both generative and hand-painted NFTs. Smith was born into an artistic family where his talent was fostered from a young age. But as a twenty-something, Smith soured on the art-as-commerce path and lost interest in being an artist. Instead, Smith set his sites of filmmaking and moved to Los Angeles. During his 14 years in Hollywood, he worked with every major studio and network, receiving numerous Broadcast Design Awards. He also created special on-air content for the 71st Annual Academy Awards. After retiring from the entertainment business, Smith began rediscovering his love of fine art through the new medium of digital art. He now creates abstract art and pop art from his studio in Houston, Texas with his wife Sebrina Zerkus Smith, a writer.


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