Lapin Mignon, 2022
Featured In Mythic LoveThe Forgotten Love
From Guenievre to Madeleine, and all these women who brought the light but stayed in the shadow for the sake of love.
The History is made, but we only remember what some wrote. But what about the Love in the History Book, what about the real ones who brought the lights when it was dark, what about the ones who we forgot while their other half shined their way in the Story.
Mediums: Watercolour dried with natural elements from an autumn walk in the Great Malvern (UK), Ink and some Digital Wonders
Created for Mythic Love Exhibition 2022 with 1stDIB, curated by Basileus
The Imaginationist
Lapin Mignon is a French born UK based Artist who praises imagination as her Art playground. Major actor and OG (Original Gangsta) of the CryptoArt, which she started in the early days in 2019. From very simple media, as watercolour, she explores the power of Digital tools to augment her Art, and reach a level of Aesthetic very peculiar to Mignon Art, and create new pop culture icon like the Big Mignon eyes. She also pushes the usecase of Blockchain through Analogue Art to new heights.
Internationally Exhibited, Lapin Mignon has been revealed by cryptoart and starts to get recognised in the wider Art World.
- December 12, 2022 at 9:59 PMAuction endedSold for Ξ 0.7000 ($889.27) to Basileus
- December 12, 2022 at 9:59 PMTransfer from 1stDibs Marketplace to Basileus
- December 11, 2022 at 12:05 PMBid placed for Ξ 0.7000 ($889.27) by Basileus
- November 21, 2022 at 8:55 AMReserve price set for Ξ 0.7000 ($889.27) by Lapin Mignon
- November 21, 2022 at 8:55 AMTransfer from Lapin Mignon to 1stDibs Marketplace
- November 21, 2022 at 8:37 AMMinted by Lapin Mignon