I am Worth It

I am Worth It

As explore my own self in my artwork I question, doubt, ponder and feel anxiety. Am I worth it? Am I good enough? I have had countless things said to me in the past 2 yrs mostly positive but the negative replays in my mind over and over. Do I truly call my self an artist? Should I hold a spot at the same table as my contemporaries? This 1st Dibs genesis mint I add those elements into the work in a graffiti styled background..I turn painful words into beautiful art....As I stand back and look into the eyes of my creation I whisper to myself..." I am Worth It" What is the story....its a personal Journey....where does it end... its unwritten for now.
Token ID
Token Standard
PNG Digital Image
2048 x 2048
Artwork CID: QmcZJ2KmQDAmizYF8hNbqqavStTh6o2TegucsMnXfvwV9u
Token Metadata CID: QmcysazmGd9UMRLegyn3AZrXUK4QGUMGHZAaF3DZt6U4Ns
I am CryptoYuna a traditional artist turn Digital minting on chain since 2-1-2020. I create dynamic CryptoPop Art. I have been featured in books and magazines and exhibited my artwork worldwide.


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