Sanmamed, 2022

Kokodama MS22G5

Juncus kokodama Only in wetlands can you find reeds this beautiful. They serve as a protective barrier and become a refuge for many birds. They grow to a height of less than 1 meter and their leaves are elongated and straight. I marvel at its slenderness and flexibility. That is why it is used in basketry. Rushes selected and collected by me on September 1, 2022 The word “junco” latín, comes from jungere; unite, join Guess what unites you and me? Listen to the song of the birds. ASMR sound birds
Token ID
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MP4 Digital Video
1920 x 1080
Artwork CID: Qmev6ra6szQyEmgsYfzB7ezhGDNqDRN7dxbd9FgZrh8qKW
Token Metadata CID: QmYVWUjeQfcVbc4Yy4AaSd7xcou144dFUUWmKbWFt1Lmh9
Marta Sanmamed (Madrid) Spain. Knowmad. Plastic and digital artist. NFT. Podcaster. Branding. UX writer. Storyteller. Content creator. Social Media. AWARDS: 2016 MEDAL FOR ARTISTIC MERIT I PAC AWARD IPPY AWARDS Gold Medal Silver Medal Living Now Books Awards Honorable Mention International Latino Book Awards 1st. Accésit National Painting Prize “Enrique Ginestal” Permanent ART in: Museum of Contemporary Art Calviá, Majorca. Contemporary Art Museum of Extremadura MACUF. Contemporary Art Museum Sofia-Bulgaria. Mayte Spínola Marmolejo Jaén Foundation Museum. Azuaga Badajoz Contemporary Art Museum. Castle Museum of Merode Germany. National Library of Spain (BNE) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. Bodegas Marqués de Griñón. Castle chapel of Archduke Andrew Salvator in Gmünd Austria. Private collections from Europe, USA and Japan. Podcast: METAdamas del Metaverso. Charlas con las personas más representativas del criptoarte, los NFTs, seguridad, blockchain y metaverso. La Escóbula de la Brújula. Historia y creencias.


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