Portrait of Dova

Portrait of Dova

Dova is my friend Talita's dog who I've been looking after while she's away on vacation. Since I've been dog-sitting, Dova has become attached to me and is often laying against me when I sit on the sofa. He's very relaxed most of the time and has a big appetite.
Token ID
Token Standard
JPEG Digital Image
3964 x 2792
Artwork CID: QmQtYwS2hYZoxm9T4PmfvQqcabYfVBdbdsBCJxZBQzN7P8
Token Metadata CID: QmTes8zGczKATppLKiY2gCWCxm5gMeKCNwHJaPLmq9Jfzr
Jay Golding creates representational paintings and works on paper that are influenced by his travels, lineage, friends, relatives and tribal interests. Working with a variety of mediums that span acrylic, oil paint, pencils, pen and collage, Golding’s work encourages viewers to see through the eyes of another by highlighting the emotions of his subjects through the use of vibrant colors and detailed linework. In late 2019, Jay adopted the alias “Kwame” shortly after returning to the US from a visit to Ghana. As Kwame, his work expands on his indigenous narratives, speaking directly to the global craftsmanship, ancient myths and division between tribal cultures.


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