Cnidarian Vistas I - 5

Cnidarian Vistas I - 5

The subtly coral-like mathematical entities captured in the apeirographs of the Cnidarian Vistas series faithfully reify timeless and amaterial cross-sections of 4 dimensional mathematical landscapes discovered by the artist's algorithmic explorations of the complex plane. These eternal and immutable fractal worlds, distant cousins of the better known Mandelbrot and Julia sets, encompass within themselves infinities that could never be realized in the physical universe. Truly, they are among the strangest of worlds.
Token ID
Token Standard
Digital Apeirograph
8640 x 8640
Artwork CID: QmU5N9AHc6S93dzHssbezM2uWpQu9bAbbLu5nJJmtYouwa
Token Metadata CID: QmPfwUiNsizXkYsb4EisEQucBMumP4jWyCd27uzyeJdaBo
Daïm is a researcher and reifier of timeless mathematical wonders, a nuanced conductor of intricate algorithmic systems, and a collaborative curator of endless AI GAN vistas. His approach to art is inseparably intellectual and spiritual at once, with many of his works seeking to convey the improbably anthropic conceptions of beauty found within mathematics and complex systems that subtly whisper to us of the divine. His works have been exhibited internationally since 2015 and appear in several notable collections, including the Museum of Crypto Art, the Government of Hungary, and Metakovan.
