
Jose Ramos



José Ramos is a conceptual landscape photographer, storyteller and psychiatrist from Portugal, currently living in Lisbon. He started his photographic career eighteen years ago, and his images have been published several times in National Geographic printed magazines and other international photography magazines. His work has been exhibited several times in Portugal, as well as featured on Discovery, The Telegraph, CNN Travel, Sony and others. Beyond image making and teaching, he is an Ambassador for conservation projects like OnAMission and Give Back to Nature, and has also collaborated with many international photography and technology brands. His works are sold as large format fine art prints worldwide and are now also available for sale as exclusive 1/1 NFTs, joined by high quality large format prints. Strongly focusing on long exposure technique and storytelling, his images are multi-layered, from the immediate attention-grabbing natural scenes with exquisite light, to the symbolic details of archetypical natural elements, along with the written reflections accompanying each artwork. Dividing his time between the two careers as a professional photographer and a physician specialized in psychiatry, José feels that there is a strong creative synergy between both paths, with the commonalities and differences of each discipline mutually enriching and fostering his artworks. On one hand the lessons taught by Nature have always been precious for the relationship with his patients and, in parallel, his professional experience running Photo-Therapy projects with patients showed him how powerful photographs can be as a catalyst to access and discover deep emotions within. All his images have a deep embedded concept and associated story, focused on the relationship between Humankind and Nature. Conservation, ecology, existentialism, awareness, spirituality, emotion and contemplation are some of the most important themes José tries to explore through his images.

    This collection is emptyThis collection does not have any NFTs yet. Once NFTs are added to this collection, they’ll be shown here.