Edward Beatty Rowan
Flowers Still Life
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Watercolor on paper, 20 ½ x 16 inches unframed sheet, 27 ½ x 21
1930s American Modern Still-life Drawings and Watercolors
Mother and Son (Colt and Mare)
By Herman Maril
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Oil on canvas, 18 x 14 inches unframed, 22 x 18 inches framed
1930s American Modern Animal Paintings
Blue Ships
By Tom Lewis
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Watercolor on paper, 14 x 21 inches unframed sheet, 24 x 30
1930s American Modern Landscape Drawings and Watercolors
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Watercolor on paper, 7 ¾ x 10 ½ inches unframed, 14 ½ x 16
1920s American Modern Figurative Drawings and Watercolors
Flower Bouquet
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Watercolor on paper, 12 x 9 ½ inches unframed sheet, 15 x 12
1930s American Modern Still-life Drawings and Watercolors
Plate with Ram (Untitled)
By Henry Varnum Poor
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Glazed and incised ceramic, 8 ½ inches diameter, signed and
1920s American Modern More Art
Flower Still Life
By Adrian Dornbush
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Oil on canvas, 24 ½ x 19 ½ inches unframed, 32 x 27 inches
1930s American Modern Still-life Paintings
Ponte Neuf (The Old Bridge)
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Oil on panel, 14 ½ x 18 inches unframed, 22 x 25 ½ inches
1920s American Modern Landscape Paintings
Portrait of Helene Sardeau (The Artist’s Wife)
By George Biddle
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Fresco, 20 x 16 inches unframed, 22 x 18 inches framed, note
1930s American Modern Portrait Paintings
Mixed Media, Plaster
San Pedro Post Office: History of Writing Mural South, Preliminary Mural Study
Located in Los Angeles, CA
, Edward Beatty Rowan, George Biddle, Holger Cahill and Forbes Watson. Biberman’s completed projects were a
1930s American Modern Figurative Paintings
Mixed Media
People Also Browsed
Man Trimming Tree
Located in Los Angeles, CA
This drawing is part of our exhibition Charles Goeller: A Wistful Loneliness.
Crayon on paper, 11 5/8 x 9 inches (image), 14 x 11 inches (sheet), Signed lower right, Matted, but no...
1930s American Modern Figurative Drawings and Watercolors
Paper, Crayon
Recent Sales
Key West
Located in Los Angeles, CA
Collection of Leata and Edward Beatty Rowan)
Watercolor and gouache on paper, 20 x 26 inches unframed sheet
1930s American Modern Landscape Drawings and Watercolors
Watercolor, Gouache
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Edward Beatty Rowan For Sale on 1stDibs
On 1stDibs, you can find the most appropriate edward beatty rowan for your needs in our varied inventory. If you’re looking for a edward beatty rowan from a specific time period, our collection is diverse and broad-ranging, and you’ll find at least one that dates back to the 20th Century while another version may have been produced as recently as the 20th Century. Adding a edward beatty rowan to a room that is mostly decorated in warm neutral tones can yield a welcome change — find a piece on 1stDibs that incorporates elements of brown, gray, beige and more. Creating a edward beatty rowan has been a part of the legacy of many artists, but those crafted by Adrian Dornbush, George Biddle, Tom Lewis, Herman Maril and Henry Varnum Poor are consistently popular. Artworks like these — often created in paint, watercolor and oil paint — can elevate any room of your home.
How Much is a Edward Beatty Rowan?
A edward beatty rowan can differ in price owing to various characteristics — the average selling price for items in our inventory is $2,750, while the lowest priced sells for $750 and the highest can go for as much as $27,500.