Chanel Shoulder Bags
Vintage Chanel handbags and purses are some of the most well-known and sought-after accessories in the world. With a subtle and chic aesthetic, many of the legendary French house’s crossbody bags, shoulder bags, tote bags and other bags are popular among celebrities and fashion obsessives.
Crafted from top-quality materials, Chanel’s elegant iconic purses are coveted not only for their timelessness but also for their high resale value. The brand’s best-known bag, the Classic Double Flap bag, includes Chanel’s signature quilting and leather interlaced through a chain strap. Chanel Classic flap bags have been going strong since Karl Lagerfeld updated the beloved 2.55 handbag in the 1980s with the addition of the interlocking double Cs on the flap.
Other iconic bag styles are the Gabrielle and Boy bags. (Also designed by Lagerfeld, Chanel’s playful Boy Brick Lego bag has become a collector's item.) And as the 1990s have become associated with styles adopted by today’s supermodels and influencers, vintage Chanel bags of the 1990s are among the most prized of the brand’s offerings.
For its spectacular seasonal runway shows, Chanel designs special bags that are typically produced in smaller editions, making them all the more desirable and prompting long waiting lists for the most flamboyant creations. The widely hunted rare Chanel bags and many of the other bags much sought after today are objects of pure fantasy conjured up by the late couturier Lagerfeld, whose prolific tenure at the helm of the house lasted from 1983 to 2019.
Just like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other luxury brands, Chanel has had to fight counterfeiters who manufacture and sell fake bags under its name. These days, provenance is as essential for Chanel bags as it is for a Chagall painting. And with forgeries improving, it's worth knowing how to spot a fake Chanel bag.
Find a collection of vintage Chanel totes, clutches, minaudières and other bags on 1stDibs today.
1990s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary Chanel Shoulder Bags
1980s Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary French Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
1980s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary French Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary French Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary French Chanel Shoulder Bags
21st Century and Contemporary Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Unknown Chanel Shoulder Bags
Early 2000s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
1990s Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s Italian Chanel Shoulder Bags
2010s French Chanel Shoulder Bags
Chanel shoulder bags for sale on 1stDibs.
Designers Similar to Chanel
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022You can find a variety of second-hand Chanel bags online at boutiques and auction houses. You may also be able to find Chanel bags in consignment and vintage boutiques. It helps to know how to authenticate a Chanel bag to ensure you’re getting a legitimate Chanel handbag. Find a collection of expertly vetted Chanel handbags from some of the world’s top reputable boutiques on 1stDibs.
- Do Chanel bags go up in value?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022The value of Chanel bags has been steadily increasing for years. This is because each year, they make a “limited run,” which means that there are only so many available to purchase from the Chanel store or expertly vetted platforms from some of the world’s top sellers on 1stDibs.
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022There are 310 Chanel boutiques located across the globe; 94 in Asia, 70 in Europe, 10 in the Middle East, 127 in North America, 2 in South America and 6 in Oceania. In addition to the Chanel boutiques, there are many authorized retailers of the Chanel line. Find a collection of expertly vetted Chanel fashions, accessories, and handbags from some of the world’s top reputable boutiques on 1stDibs.
- What is a Chanel VIP bag?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022An authentic Chanel VIP gift bag or gift item may be given to a few loyal VIP customers who regularly visit the store and spend a significant amount of money on their products. It is not something that the general population can purchase. These gift items are all made with the same attention to detail and fine craftsmanship that you expect from anything with the Chanel brand. Shop a collection of expertly vetted vintage and new Chanel bags from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- How much is a Chanel purse?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertFebruary 22, 2021The cost of a Chanel purse depends on its material, rarity, style and condition. On, you can purchase a Chanel purse starting from $280.
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022How to clean white Chanel bags as they are susceptible to light and can turn yellow if exposed for too long by polishing the leather gently with a natural-coloured soft woollen cloth or pat with a fine woollen cloth when wet. Shop a range of authentic Chanel bags on 1stDibs.
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022To clean a Chanel lambskin bag, Chanel recommends using a soft cloth and avoiding any care products that may alter the finish of your handbag. To reduce the appearance of marks on the surface of lambskin leather, gently rub it in a circular motion. Shop iconic vintage and contemporary Chanel fashions and accessories from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022To read a Chanel clothing label, look beneath the Chanel logo tag. There you will see another label with the style number, size and year it was created. If the style number starts with an A, it was from an Autumn collection. P stands for Printemps, which is spring, and C means that item is part of the cruise line. Shop a collection of expertly vetted vintage and new Chanel garments from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- 1stDibs ExpertJanuary 4, 2022Fake Chanel bags aren’t easy to spot — especially if you’re shopping online. Forgeries are getting increasingly difficult to identify, but there are a few clues that might indicate a Chanel bag is a counterfeit. Bags made in the mid-1980s and later have a serial number at the bottom of the bag, and this number should match the one on the Chanel authenticity card. The Cs in the clasp should have flat, not rounded, edges, and the right-hand C will always overlap the one on the left at the top, with the overlapping reversed at the bottom. The screw on the clasp will have a flat or star head — never a Phillips head. The zipper should have the Lampo logo on the back of the slider, and the bag should come in a duster bag with the Chanel logo printed in white in the center. The diamond-pattern quilting on the bag should be flawless and perfectly aligned, even where there’s a pocket. The lining should lie tight and flat against the interior — never creased or lumpy. The inside of the bag should have the Chanel logo followed by “Made in Italy” or “Made in France.” To ensure you’re purchasing an authentic Chanel bag, buy from a reputable seller that carefully vets their offerings. Shop a collection of properly vetted vintage and new Chanel bags from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- How can I wear my Chanel jacket?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022How you style your Chanel jacket is a matter of preference. Some people like to wear casual clothing, so the Chanel jacket stands out. Others prefer an entire Chanel ensemble with a jacket for an all-over look. Accessorizing your Chanel jacket with a scarf is also a very popular option. Find Chanel jackets on 1stDibs along with a variety of Chanel clothing to create eye-catching ensembles.
- How to store your Chanel bag?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022Tuck the chain inside your Chanel bag through its holes and store it in a dust-free environment and avoid touching or bumping into any other items while they're hanging out of sight. Shop a range of vintage and modern Chanel bags on 1stDibs.
- When was Chanel founded?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertJanuary 4, 2022Chanel was founded in 1910 by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, a French fashion designer who opened a hat boutique in Paris that year. Chanel went on to transform women’s fashion with revolutionary and elegant designs that tore down gender boundaries and freed women from the confining fashions of the day. Find vintage and contemporary Chanel bags, clothing and accessories from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- 1stDibs ExpertFebruary 22, 2021Chanel Mademoiselle perfume smells like orange, jasmine, rose, patchouli and vetiver. It is quite a bold and fresh scent.
- Are Chanel bags heavy?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022Chanel'S leather bags are the most durable compared to others. Standing the test of time and heavy-duty nature even when soft to the touch. From Chanel's quilted flaps to small leather goods, on 1stDibs, find a variety of authentic pieces from Chanel.
- Does Chanel sell men’s shoes?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022Chanel doesn’t have a specific men’s shoe division but they do have a sneakers line that can be worn by any gender. These sneakers come in a variety of colors with different fabrics and all feature Chanel’s outstanding quality. On 1stDibs, find a collection of Chanel shoes and other accessories from some top sellers around the world.
- 1stDibs ExpertApril 5, 2022No, Chanel doesn’t make men’s sunglasses as they do not have a menswear line. That said, there are men who do wear Chanel sunglasses and other items from the women’s line to create their own noteworthy style. On 1stDibs, find a collection of authentic Chanel sunglasses and other accessories from some of the world’s top boutiques.
- Where are Chanel bags made?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertJanuary 4, 2022Chanel bags are made in France and Italy. The contemporary version of Chanel’s 11.12 bag, for instance, starts its life in a small factory in Verneuil-en-Halatte, located 90 minutes north of Paris, where the pieces of lambskin are cut by artisans with six years of training. The pieces are sent to Paris, where embroiderers spend a week embellishing the components, incorporating slight variations that make each bag a one-of-a-kind piece. Then, the leather pieces are shipped back to Verneuil, where craftspeople assemble them by hand into the iconic rectangular shape, complete with intricate piping and beading. Shop a collection of vintage and contemporary Chanel bags from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.
- Why is Chanel so expensive?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertFebruary 22, 2021Chanel is so expensive because it is a top-class designer brand which creates their products from quality raw materials and high production methods while employing some of the top talent in the fashion world. The brand's innovative designs along with its creative marketing strategy make Chanel a highly coveted brand.
- Can you buy Chanel online?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertMarch 4, 2024Yes, you can buy Chanel online. Not every Chanel product, however, is available through the brand's official website.
While Chanel fragrances can be purchased at the brand's site, Chanel clothing, bags and accessories are not available for purchase directly through the company online. Auction sites and luxury resale platforms sell both vintage and new Chanel bags and other items, but authenticity is always a concern when buying online, so it's important to purchase from a reputable seller that properly vets the origin and authenticity of your items.
An authentic Chanel bag sold online will never be cheap, but a high price tag doesn't necessarily mean it's the real thing. Find a collection of authentic Chanel evening dresses, tote bags and other pieces from some of the world's top boutiques on 1stDibs. - How can you get a Chanel Mini?1 Answer1stDibs ExpertMarch 4, 2024You can get a Chanel Mini in one of Chanel’s boutiques. The website offers a location service that can help you find the nearest official Chanel boutique. Additionally, you may find a new Chanel Mini Flap bag in one of the luxury brand’s authorized retailers’ stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue or Neiman Marcus. Shop a collection of authentic vintage black Chanel Mini Flap bags from some of the world’s top boutiques on 1stDibs.